Chapter 52: Demolished Eclipse gate

Start from the beginning

Staring the four mages, it reminded her the four teens that she used to hang around. The mischievous puppet master, the cool-head Dark Écriture leader, the prideful self-proclaim Fairy and lastly-

Jamie had her eyes closed as a faint figure's back appeared in front of her. The figure then turned his head toward her, grinning at herself. The other three appeared behind him as if they are waiting for her to join them. A weary smile plastered on her face when she saw them standing in front of her. Shaking her head, she slightly apologised within her heart as she walked passed them without looking back.

But sorry Bick-nii, I'm can't join you guys. There's someone waiting for me to go back to them. I'm going to take a different path from you guys, so please don't resent me.

When Jamie reopened her eyes, a tint of purple glitter within her eyes as she turned away from the four smiling.

I wish you all doing well whatever you are. I will continue to walk my way while you walk yours.

"No, lets prepare to head back to our guild."

Minerva looked bewildered at Jamie's change, yet her surprise expression was replaced with a relieved smile.

"As you wish, Master."

"So tell me again. Why are we changing into these flamboyant dresses?"

The woman with her shoulder-length hair dyed back to black, staring the systematically hanged gowns with annoyance. Jamie and Minerva are currently at the Mercurius palace's private rooms, also know as the Flower Light Palace: Mercurius. They were preparing for the party that was hosted by the King, Toma E. Fiore in celebration for the end of the war and expressing his gratitude towards the guild mages for helping out in the war. All the guilds that helped out that night had been invited to this grand celebration.

Jamie who wanted to avoid the event, got invited to the party due to Gray and Juvia act of kindness in telling the king about that Sabertooth's second guildmaster help them out. And since it's impolite to reject that King's offer, Jamie was inevitably required to attend the glamorous event.

"Well, it's not like we couldn't leave. Sting and the others wanted to stay behind and join the party, so if you want to leave Crocus, we are leaving Sting and the others behind."

Minerva requested for renting some glorious dress from the clothes shop in town since they didn't brought any formal dress to the capital. She helplessly sighed at her guildmaster's childish attitude as her eyes were fixed to the rack of dress in front of her.

"You know we still need to head to Sabertooth to rebuild the guild right?"

"We couldn't do anything when publicly, Sting is still Sabertooth's current guildmaster."

"We can still do something, like organising a training plan or changing the moral aspect within the guild."

"It's not like someone who let the guild to rust for a few months has the right to say. Practically speaking, you just want to make excuses to not see the Fairy Tail member with your current identity, right?"

Along Minerva's years of experience with Jamie, Minerva see through Jamie's complaints and pointed out the truth that Jamie has been hiding. Jamie flinched at Minerva's forthright speech and let out a sulky groan.

"Why do you always know that I'm trying to escape?"

"How many years do you think we had been hanging out together? So are you going to choose your dress or are you going to see there and waste time?"

Resigned from her effortless attempt of escape, Jamie stood up from her chair and walked over to racks in front of Minerva. Jamie saw Minerva had already chosen a dress and laid it on the chair beside the dressing table. A black halter-neck dress with a transparent stand up collar on around her neck that enhances her majestic atmosphere.

"Here, how about this one?"

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"Here, how about this one?"

Minerva took out two clothing from the rack, which had the off-shouldered laced white dress and a white hooded cape with blue lining.

(Except that Jamie's cape was not transparent but completely white)

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(Except that Jamie's cape was not transparent but completely white)

"Do we have to wear this?"

Minerva sighed as she laid down the clothes on the nearby couch beside Jamie.

"We are going to a ball and the cape will cover you face, so you still held the mysterious vibe you had when you're still the guildmaster."

"At this stage, it doesn't really matter."

I already exposed my identity to the Gray, Lucy and Juvia.

With her legs on her leg on her couch and knees hugged, Jamie laid her head on her knees, pouting immaturely. She felt awkward in meeting the Fairy Tail members the second time with her identity revealed as Jamie while embarrassed that her fake dead schemes were revealed to the Sabertooth members. She had overheard the member cries miserably at her fake dead funeral and felt guilty for tricking her guild members that she had already passed away.

But I guess they will understand my acts.

"You better explain your actions to the other guildmates later. Now let's hurry. The ball starts at six."

"Got it, Mother~"

"I would rather not have you as my child."

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