☀️Chapter 9☀️

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"Brendonnnnn," he heard a girly screech. He rolled his eyes recognising the god awful voice.

"Brenny bear answer me!" He groaned but refused to answer. He saw someone stomp to him in the distance.

"C'mon bren stop ignoring me," the girl pouted, attempting to look cute. "What do you want?" He snapped.

She gave him a sad look. "That's no way to talk to your future wife silly!" She said bopping his nose while giggling.

"I wouldn't marry you even if you were the last person alive!" He said annoyed. He forcefully pushed her away.

"You'll fall for me soon, you love me I know you do," she winked then proceeding to sit on his lap. She sloppily kissed his face making him wipe his face.

"Did I mention I'm gay? I'd rather be with Awsten Knight and he's my best friend," he said.

"Oh come on! You can resist me," she said pratically pushing her boobs to his face. He looked at her disgusted.

"Get those disgusting things away from me!" He screeched making her giggle. "You're so silly Bren, you make me laugh!" She exclaimed.

"Your parents even said you have to marry me! Now come on I wanna plan our future wedding," she said purposely getting closer to him.

He faked gagged which caused her to giggle even more. "We May even have some fun after;" she whispered seductively into his ear.

"How can I make you understand? I don't like pussy and boobs, I am very much into dicks thank you very much," he exclaimed for the hundredth time.

"You're just covering up your undying love for me up! You know you love me so why won't you admit it?" She asked.

"Because I don't love you! I love someone else," he whispered the last part to himself but she heard it and gasped.

"Who is it? I need to ki- I mean meet them! I love a bit of friendly competition!" She said, he knew she'd probably kill them or something. She was overly happy about it so he knew it was fake.

"That's none of your concern, now if you'll get the fuck off me, I need to go do something," Brendon said.

When she didn't listen he pushed her off and rushed to his parents. "Mum! Dad! I'm gay as fuck please don't make me marry her," he exclaimed.

He knew he could come out because he knew his parents were accepting. Lots of people in the organisation are part of LGBTQ+ and everyone was one big, murderous family.

They all made an oath to accept each other unless they were traitors, that means loving someone from The Protestors or something vital like that.

"Oh hunny you should've told us! We wouldn't have set you up with her, we probably would've set you up with someone like Jack Barakat or something!" His mother, Grace, exclaimed.

He sighed in relief. "Thank god, does that mean the future wedding is cancelled?!" He asked excitedly.

"We're not sure darling, we can only hope, but you know her parents. They're not all sunshine and rainbows when their daughter doesn't get what she wants," Boyd said making Brendon frown.

"Ok well I hope they understand," he said not wanting his parents to get hurt.

Who do you think the mysterious girl is? I don't think any of you will get it but we'll see ;)

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