Un - 1

16 2 1

As a French lady living in a foreign country, you weren't much comfortable with anything. The overwhelming feeling of being left out of the conversations, the fact of being looked weirdly by people, it was enough to make you cringe in a fit of tenseness. 

Starting off, you are Han Antoinette. It was a very weird name for a seemingly-normal-looking-Korean-girl. But with your hazel eyes and tanned skin, you were exceptionally standing out in every crowd you try to blend in.

"Annie!," Your bestfriend in the whole universe, Seo-yun Kim, yelled. You turned around from where you stood completely still and waved at the girl.

You met her three years ago, in a Starbucks branch back in Paris. She stood out in your country and you can't help but wonder where she came from. Her pale skin and long dark eyelashes made you think she was just as named a beautiful woman where she came from. Of course, you knew she wasn't from here as her French was still not that smooth and articulate.

You gathered your courage that time and approached her, trying very hard to conceal the sparkle in your deep orbs. The same went for Seo-yun, who got drowned in the hazel ocean herself. She saw how unique and peculiar you looked, and when she heard you hum a little song to an elderly lady in the middle of an errand, you were destined to meet for a purpose... which leads to your friendship.

"Seo-yun! Gosh, j'ai essayé si fort de vous localiser d'ici et là! Ça va, oui? (Gosh, I've tried so hard to locate you from here and there! You okay, yeah?)" You spat out another French sentence, gaining a few stares from the people around you. Seo-yun sighed, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Je suis désolé de te laisser comme ça, alors. (I'm sorry for leaving you like that, then.)" Seo-yun then said, her improvement not stopping the smile from plastering onto your face. You were much comfortable in your mother tongue, of course, but you also learned Korean for communication purposes. There wasn't any choice because if did not, you were a soldier waging war without a weapon.

"My, my. The time has passed for apologies! Let's get going, now." You grinned to yourself, hearing the fluent Korean language flow through your mouth as if it was your native language ever since you were born. Seo-yun was happy too, knowing that you have improved much better than she did with your language, but decided to just give you a nod that had shown she was happy for you. "You aren't mistaken, Annie. We should better go."

With a few giggles and laughter, both of you soon linked arms and made way back to your shared apartment.

"C'est incroyable (That is unbelievable), my friend! I am not fit to be an idol, will I ever be!" You were yelling, of course, who wouldn't yell in such a ludicrous statement?

Seo-yun said herself that you were signed up for an audition, which truly gave you a shock. It was your dream, after being welcomed into Korean culture and knowing about the Kpop Industry, it had never failed to bring you into a fit of daydreams. But now that it was in front of you, denial will suffice how nervous you really are. "Calm down, le plus cher (dearest). It will be for the next two months. You have all the time in the world to prep yourself and train—"

"You do not understand, Seo-yun. I am not in any improbable cause to be called suitable in such... foliage of great talent! It is very folly of you to think that I am worthy of it."

Seo-yun didn't look abashed by your stern gaze, as you always failed to look stern even when annoyed and irritated. Your eyes were always soft with voice so gentle, even with an outburst of repugnance, you will always look so calm and tamed. "Once again, calmez-vous (Calm Down). It is a mere audition, with your talent and determination, I know for a fact that you will shine brighter than anyone will ever see."

Her words never failed to soothe you, even before when you get experience anxieties and up to now when you doubt your own skills and abilities. It had been your deepest pride and honor knowing that your parents were proud of their child sprouting beautiful wings and fly one day. Setting all the negative thoughts aside, you closed your eyes with deep breaths.

Seo-yun was expectant of your answer, knowing full well that if you continue to decline the offer of a lifetime, she had no right to push you into something such as that. You opened your eyes, soon, with a bright toothy grin spread all over your face. "Très bien (Alright). But I really do need a rest... and a place to train."

Seo-yun shrieked in excitement, her figure jumping up and down. She felt sprightly after your decision and was determined to not make you regret of your choice. You saw how her eyes sparkled with your mere decision, but you felt happy nonetheless. "You will never regret your decision, mon amie (my friend). You will reign victorious—!"

You placed a hand on your best friend's shoulder, who calmed down after a few shushes you uttered. She beamed at you and you smiled lightly at the sight. "Now, it is your turn to calm down. I'll be in my room, yeah?"

"Sure, Annie. Get some rest," She paused and grabbed both your arms that rested on her shoulder. You were to draw it back to both of your sides after her first statement but stopped as she grabbed it gently. "There's no turning back, right?"

You nodded at your friend and ruffled her hair, "No regrets, Seo-yun. No regrets."


author’s note:
hello, everyone and
everytwo. this is chap
ter one of huiteme and
as you could see, you
are a french girl! bon
jour! may you please
support the book up
to its very end and
do not forget to vote
and comment of your
thoughts! see you in
the next chapters!

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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