Napoleon x Reader: Until Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

"So who are you supposed to be, anyway?" He looked appalled.

"You don't know who I am?" He asked. You shook your ahead. "I will admit, that doesn't happen often." He straightened in his chair. "I," He began grandly. "Am Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, and Co-Prince of Andorra."

" I'm Y/N."

"Y/N...?" He supplied.

"L/N?" You answered. Was this guy for real? I mean he nailed the look, but you thought he was taking this a bit overboard.

"I'm not used to this sort of reaction." He said at last. He seemed intrigued.

"I can see that." You answered. "So...if we're cool, can I go back to my office?"

"Ah, I'm afraid not."

"Wait, what?" You asked. "Why not?"

"We can't have you telling your friends about our plan?" You were amazed at how dense Napoleon (or whatever his name was) could be.

"Okay. First of all, it's my first night on the job. Second, I have no idea who you're talking about, and third, you haven't even told me your 'plan'." Napoleon blinked, then coughed in embarrassment.

"I see. Well, may I escort you to your office then?" You knew you should've told this guy to shove it because you could easily make it to your own office. But there was something about him that made you hesitate.

"...sure." You answered. Napoleon smiled politely, and offered you his arm. You took it, and you both set off. "So, what made you decide to take part in... whatever this is?" You motioned to all the people milling about.

"I was offered an opportunity I couldn't refuse." He said.

"Okay. Cryptic." You laughed.

"Well why are you here?" He countered.

"Living in D.C is expensive. Have to make money somehow," you shrugged. "But I love museums, so getting to work here, even as a night guard, is a dream come true. Kind of like everything that's happened tonight." You smiled to yourself. "Look. You don't have to tell me what you're doing here. In fact, it's better if you don't. It's easier to believe everything is real that way."

"Real?" He echoed. "You don't think any of this is real?"

"Well," You began. "I don't know. I've seen things tonight that I can't explain." Your point was emphasized by three stone cherubs flying through the air, sounding suspiciously familiar. "But things like this just don't happen."

"Things like...?" He trailed off.

"Like statues walking! Or hundreds of people managing to sneak into a secure museum without anyone noticing! Or...or..." You trailed off, thinking.

"Or love at first sight?" You almost choked on the air in your lungs.

"Love at first sight?" You laughed.

Then you realized he was serious.

"Oh." The smile on your face vanished. "Look. I want to believe in love at first sight. I really do. But that's just not the way the world works. I don't think you can just look at someone and fall in love. At least not truly. If I fall in love with someone, it'll be because I think their appearance and personality are attractive. So if you're worrying about something like that, you're on the right track." He nodded as he took your words into consideration.

"Well, I'm going to make it my goal to prove to you that it's real." You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" You said. "I appreciate the effort, but I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into, handsome." He perked up when you said 'handsome'.

"See! It is already working!" He declared triumphantly.

"Don't get too sure of yourself," You laughed. Napoleon rolled his eyes but continued to walk with you. Instead of heading straight back to your office, you wandered aimlessly throughout the museum, as Napoleon earnestly tried to convince you that love at first sight was real. By the time you got back to your office, you were reluctantly starting to believe him.

"So? Have I changed your mind?" You pretended to think.

"Well," You began coyly. "I wouldn't say you've convinced me entirely." He watched you intensely. "But, I think you're definitely headed in the right direction." Napoleon grinned.

"Same time tomorrow, then?" You laughed.

"If you can sneak into here again, for sure." Napoleon chuckled and took your hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed the back of your hand gently.

"Until tomorrow, then."

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