"What happened to wearing shorts?" Harley asked him.

"It's raining out there. They moved the family dinner inside my grandmother's house. You ready?"

"Yeah let me grab my bag-"

"I got it." He smiles, before spotting the small pink suitcase that sat near the front door.

"Such a gentleman." Juanita smile while nudging Hermione.

"I'm sorry Ms. Juanita I didn't see you standing there." Hassan said while giving her a hug.

"It's okay. This is my sister Hermione. Hermione this is Harley's boyfriend, Hassan." Juanita introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you Hassan. Although you look really familiar..." Hermione trailed off while examining his features.

"Hassan's father is Hasani Forde. He owns Forde Entertainment." Juanita said which made Harley roll her eyes playfully. Juanita did her research on Hassan before Harley could even tell her what he did for a living.

"I don't know. I've probably seen you in one of the magazines then. It's nice to meet you. Harley talks about you all the time. Like all the-"

"Okay!" Harley interrupted. "We have to go."

Hassan laughed. "It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too. Take care of my niece."

"I will. She's in good hands." Hassan waved before walking down the porch steps with Harley suitcase. Once Juanita shut the front door, Hassan smiled at Harley. "You talk about me all the time huh?"

"She was exaggerating. I don't talk about you at all." Harley told him as he opened the passenger door for her.

"Yeah okay. Well, I don't talk about you either."


The sky was starting to turn a darker shade of blue as the tornado warning came on the radio system.

"Thunderstorm warning in effect in the Lake Charles area until twelve o' clock...."

"Really?" Harley sighed. She wanted to enjoy the firework show with Hassan but the weather wasn't changing any time soon.

"What? You don't wanna spend time with me?" He laughed while parking in front of a big security gate that blocked them from entering the wooded area.

"Where are we?" She quickly changed the subject as she looked around the dark area. The were no streetlights and it made her nervous.

"Relax. We're at my grandmother's house." He smiled. Suddenly, there was a knock on the window before he noticed the security guard near his car.

He rolled down the window before the man spoke. "Name?"

"Name? Stop playing Martin it's me.....Hassan!"

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