To go to my mate or not to go my mate that is the question

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A few minutes later, I found myself alone in the room once more. "Go to her. Let her decide what she wants." What was that supposed to mean? Why would she want me?

Yet, the moon goddess had made her instructions clear, I was to go to my mate. Why now though? I hadn't changed and I certainly didn't deserve my mate after all the evil things that I had done.

I had made so many enemies that having a mate would only cause trouble. I was a beast, a monster there would be no way that she could ever love me.

Yet, as I glanced over at the enchanted Rose, I knew that I was running out of time. If she rejects me she rejects me it's a risk that I knew that I had to take.

"Alpha, the Doctor wishes to speak with you immediately."

"I'll be right down." A few minutes later I was in my dungeon. "What is so important that it
couldn't wait till morning?"

"Alpha, I'd advise that we abort the children this trespasser is carrying."


"She's carrying twins."

At this, Geraldine paled and she shrunk back from the group. "No. Please. I beg you, please don't take my babies from me."

"You trespass on our land, disrespect our Alpha , disrespect our future Luna and now you have the audacity to beg for mercy? You will receive none." The Bata replied slapping Geraldine across the face.

I looked over at the doctor "how far along is she?"

"She's in the third trimester. I can assure you that the fetuses can't feel a thing. It would be a relatively quick and painless procedure."


"Are you sure Alpha?"

"Do not question my decision. Or you will find yourself on the receiving end of both mine and my wolf's wrath. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Alpha. Forgive me." The doctor replies but as he turns away I hear him muttering under his breath. "What's gotten into the Alpha? He never use to care about stuff like this. So why start now?"

Choosing to ignore this question I turned my attention to my Bata. "Are the men ready to go?" I demanded my voice laced with irritation.

"Yes Alpha."

"Good. Return our guest to my office . I should like a word alone with her. Now my dear, you will lead us to your pack. You will show us how to enter your pack lands without being discovered. And you will keep your mouth shut about our whereabouts and our plan."

"Or I will allow the doctor to carry out his suggestion to abort your children. Not only that, but if we even suspect that you might betray us he will make sure that you can never bear pups again. Do I make myself clear?" I replied unintentionally using my Alpha command.

The woman whimpered before bowing her head in submission "Yes Sir."

"Good. Then lead the way." I replied with a wave of my hand.

To my surprise her pack lands were not that far from ours. Instantly my wolf began to feel restless. I can sense that my mate is indeed a part of this pack. There will be plenty of time to locate her. For now let us have some fun. I am sure I don't have to explain to you what to do. This is like any other raid the rules remain the same." My wolf replies and I fight for control.

"One more thing before you go, no harm is to become any member of this pack. You are free to do as you please, but no one is to be killed."

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