2: Ghost

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I was super busy. Every time I tried writing it something would stop me from doing so.
If you see any spelling/grammar errors or something that doesn't make sense, don't be afraid to point it out!

"So we all know the rules, right?" Jay asked as he was sitting on top of the newly built monkey bars.

The team was spread out, Pixal started to collect small rocks and Echo decided to join in, Zane was staring at Echo and Pixal with a mix of confusion and amusement, Lloyd was holding Harumi on his back running around the playground, Kai was laying on his back on the grass gazing at the stars with Skylor sitting next to him, and the others just sitting and standing around.

To sum it up, no one was listening to or even paying attention to Jay.

Jay frowned at being ignored by his team and bit his lip. Was he that annoying? Did he say something wrong? Maybe they didn't hear him.

He laughed nervously and jumped off the monkey bars.
"Guys?" He asked a bit louder. Nya glanced up from where she was sitting on the slide beside him She saw Jay's unsure look and raised a brow before looking at the rest of the team who were busy doing their own things. Jay caught Nya's curious gaze and immediately sent her a fake smile and a thumbs up.

She immediately knew something was up.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Jay told her before quickly walking off. Nya waited before he rounded the corner of the building to address her teammates.

"Are you guys kidding me?" She asked loud enough for everyone to hear. Kai propped himself on his elbows and sent his sister a look. "What?" He asked raising his eyebrows. Nya sent him a look. "Oh I don't know, you all just straight up ignored Jay. You've all been hard on him lately."

Zane perked up at that and sent Nya a bewildered look. She caught his stare. "Except Zane, Pixal and Echo because they're too pure for this world." She mentioned quickly shaking her head.

"I just wanna know why you've been hard on him lately." Nya told the rest of the group. Cole averted eye contact immediately to avoid answering. Nya noticed and smirked. "Cole?"

Cole groaned. "Listen, he recently told us something and we wanna make sure he," He stopped and sighed. "I don't know, keeps his promise."
Nya rolled her eyes. "Yeah so you guys choose to ignore him so he thinks you hate him. Nice one."
Kai frowned. "Nya-" Nya just shook her head and started walking off.

"I'm going to go find Jay."


Jay was at the front entrance of the school. He had tried opening the multiple side and back doors but they were all locked. He didn't know why he was even trying. The main doors were bound to be locked. He still walked up to the door and tried to open it. To his surprise, it was unlocked.

He opened the door fully and slipped inside. It was pitch black inside and gave off a creepy vibe. Jay held his hand out and sparks of lightning appeared. He looked around trying to find the bathroom. It had been years since he has been in the school and his memory of the school's layout were a bit rusty.

He wandered around the school looking for the bathroom for few minutes before he finally found it. He opened the door and walked inside, flinching at the loud noise it made when it shut.

After he used the restroom he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. What he didn't expect was for a green figure to appear behind him in the mirror. Jay jumped in surprise letting out a shocked yell. When he turned, nothing was behind him. He looked back at the mirror to see nothing except himself and the darkness.

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