∘◦ ❈ ◦∘ t h r e e ∘◦ ❈ ◦∘

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I ran quickly to my seat and look through my bag if she stole more of its content from me. I'm getting seriously pissed and these are one of the days when I want to shove my fist into someone's face and it's no other than Areum, Linyee and Keira's. Make it the whole squad.

"Oh, you're really getting it, cousin-in-law." I muttered lowly under my breath.

I could've beaten her up if it weren't for my cousin, Suho. He loved Areum so much, to the point that he would buy designer shit for her every week. Little did he know that prick is only using him to her advantage against me. They're labeled as a couple and I had to accept the fact that if I lay a hand on Areum, My cousin will go against me and my friends for sure.

Though, nothing's stopping me now. I've learned to just beat the crap out of someone who deserves it, but right now, I have to be the better person.

The fact that Suho hangs out with our group, makes everything worse. Areum is straight out jealous of Jaehee because she knew that her and Suho are best friends and I can't believe that my cousin chose Areum over Jaehee. Sucks, but like I said, Areum is a manipulator.

After checking my bag, I made a run for it. The sound of my footsteps stomping all over the floor made me realize that adrenaline is rushing all over me. What if she steals my money? But she's rich, so why would she do that? I don't know anymore!

Beads of sweat started to trickle down my face when I reach the cafeteria. The cafeteria was unusually quiet and it took me a second to realize that something's going on. I ran through the fazed students and there I saw Areum, with her neatly brown curls, taking Jaehee by her collar. Everyone from my group and theirs were surrounding the two and I pushed my way through them. I can see Suho trying to calm Areum down by pulling her off Jaehee.

"What do you think you're doing, you whore!" Areum exclaims hopelessly, pulling Jaehee's hair at the process. I stared at Jaehee in shock. Suho was doing his best to pull Areum away from Jaehee but it was no use.

What happened? What the hell is going on?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jaehee protested, holding onto Riri at the process. She looked lost and frantic. My eyes wandered off to Areum and she looked dead furious at the moment, but our eyes met and I swear, I've seen her ever slightly smirk. It all faded away when she spoke up dramatically.

"Stop acting dumb! Why the fuck did you sleep with my boyfriend?!" She cried out while trying to get away from Suho's grip. Everyone was shocked and confused, but I just stared and didn't believe her nonsense. Why would Jaehee do that? She's too pure for these shit and for fucksake, why the hell is Areum targeting Jaehee again? Is she that desperate to bring someone innocent down?

"You know that's not true, babe." Suho said while trying to make her girl friend face him. She resisted and tried to fight Jaehee off, but Riri was fast enough to block her from getting any closer. The others were quiet and can't believe what's going on. Though, didn't let their guard down and tried to face Areum and her group proudly.

"Jaehee would never do that." Mina crossed her arms in front of her chest while glaring at Areum and the rest of her squad. Linyee stood close behind Areum and is hiding like she's being attacked.

"Then why would that so called friend of yours be sleeping around with my guy, huh?" Areum scoffed and looked my way. She made sure to mock me in any way possible. Her teasing looked real and she acted like she was the victim.

Though seriously, Suho sleeping around? Especially with Jaehee? Are you trying to make me laugh with your pathetic stories? Yeah I get it, Suho can be somewhat perverted, but he won't go too far like cheating on his own girl cause he's too loyal. He's like a lost puppy around Areum.

"I didn't do anything." Jaehee clenched her teeth. "In fact, I haven't talked to Suho ever since he told me not to because of your selfish ass!"

"Oh is that so?" Areum mockingly said and finally faced Suho.

"Where were you last night then?" She asked Suho, softly cupping one of his cheeks. Suho looked at her nervously. It was obvious that he was tensed from all the things going around him. He was being cornered by his own girl friend and it's freaking me out too.

"For the love of God, my house!" He said, his voice shaking. It's true, my cousin was chilling all the time in his home cause he can't go out, even if he's a grown ass man. That's how strict his parents are.

Honestly, remembering who Areum really was makes me shiver for no reason. The first time I met her was when she transferred to our school in our first year and she was so kind and sweet-- what the hell happened this year? Did the power of popularity blind her into turning herself into a complete stranger? She was so different back then, why did it turn out like this?

I can see Areum looking at me again. She was definitely teasing me. I was about to interfere when she unexpectedly lash out to Jaehee and Suho.

"Then why did Yoon Rue tell me all this?"

And the bell rang.

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