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"Rue was attacked by-" Riri started announcing when we get to our usual table in the cafeteria, which is at the very back.

"Keira." Ji-Yeon interrupted while shaking her head in a disapproving manner. I sat next to Eunsoo who's sitting next to the window. She was tapping on her phone furiously without skipping a beat. Jaehee looked at me shocked and I know that she wanted to beat the shit out of Keira's group but she's kind of scared to do so.

"It's nothing big." I tried to protest.

"Of course you would say that." Jaehee glanced at me and the salad in front of her and shrugged. She said that as if she knew me that long, but honestly, we don't really talk to each other.


"Yoon Rue, it's them we're talking about. They're trouble and you know it." Mira said in a concerned tone.

I don't care. Fighting them off will just lead to bad things and I just want peace and quiet.

Then why the hell did you verbally fight her back in math time, idiot?

"I dont care." I whispered as low as possible.

"But we do." Riri finally say and crossed her arms on her chest.

I groaned in defeat and banged my head on the table, surprising Mira and Jaehee who's sitting in front of me.

"What will you guys do?" I sighed in defeat.

"Just a little trashtalk will do. Like what you did back there." Riri stated happily while clasping her hands together.

"Yoon Rue did what?" Eunsoo surprisingly asked. She always used her phone and texts her boyfriend when we gather as a group and her actually talking is a big surprise for us.

"You were listening?" Ji-Yeon asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Well, duh! I mean, Im still part of the group, hunny yeon." Eunsoo laughed, causing the group to laugh too except for me, who smiled. Eunsoo always gave Ji-Yeon that nickname but ever since she had a boyfriend, she was always stuck on her phone. Ji-Yeon and Eunsoo weren't in good terms before and seeing this make me smile, but not laugh. I'm not yet over the whole Keira thing cause everyone has been talking about it.

"Rue just backfired that bi--" Riri started to say but I interrupted her.

"I didn't backfire her. I just told her to shut up and thankfully she did. Honestly, that's just her being weak cause she always ask help from her girl group, but like I said," I took in a deep breath and continue. "I dont care and will never care even if I die.. I don't care!" I finished off and stood up and excused myself.

"Where are you going?" Jaehee asked.

"I'll just go get something from my locker." I suddenly said and start walking through the sea of students walking around the cafeteria. The place was huge, but it took me half a minute to get out since a lot of students were walking around.

I was glad that Keira's group didn't go down for lunch yet. Better be that way always. I glanced at my watch and saw that we're pretty early for lunch, so I headed straight to my classroom since I had to go get my allowance for this week since I forgot to bring it with me.

I walked through the quiet hall and something felt off. Like something fishy was about to happen, but I brushed it off when I'm in front of my classroom door.

It was open?

I sneakily entered and quickly ducked down and hid behind the chairs. I decided to not open the lights. I raised a brow when I see Linyee looking through my bag and holding onto my wallet. My eyes widened and I decided to shut up first. She was on her back, talking to someone through her bright pink phone.

"Did you find her wallet?" The voice from the other line spoke up. I can't believe someone is trying to steal from me right now. Ugh, and seriously? Why Linyee? Of all the people in Keira's group, Linyee was the most idiotic and stubborn one.

No wonder the door was wide open and the call was on speaker mode.

"I have it, don't worry, Areum!" She said happily while waving my wallet around like a psycho. My mind raced to different kinds of scenarios happening when that wallet gets exposed. And for sure, Areum is behind all this crap.

You see, Min Areum, the mastermind of the group, is our valedictorian. Sucks to hear that a smart legend like her can be so disgusting. She manipulates people to love and always support her and she thought that she was always on top. One of the merciless thing she did was when a student from our batch surpassed her at the overall ranking and they bullied her and made everyone think that the poor girl was cheating the whole time. Starting from that day on, everyone avoided the poor girl but Riri suggested to invited her to our group and she gained her reputation again.

"Bring it to me, Linyeebae." Areum said with a hint boredom through the call and I grit my teeth. Oh, she's getting it alright. I can imagine Areum looking at her nails with delight and I can rub that little smile off her face any moment now.

But for now, I should deal with Linyee first. My eyes scanned the way she was holding my wallet with her slim hand. Her nails were super long and it was hot pink. Of course.

I heard that Areum ended the call and I saw something flash in Linyee's eyes. She really idolized Areum, huh?


Before, Linyee was just a normal girl, but now she's acting like Areum is her mother or something. She kept sticking her nose to everything Areum is doing. From her routine to her plans-- the girl was obviously manipulated. Sad.

My thoughts were interrupted when Linyee quickly dashed out of the room through the other door and my heart started racing. What the hell? How can a girl like her be that fast?

I gritted my teeth in frustration and I ran out of the classroom as well.

I can feel something was off since the whole math thing and I'm sure Keira and Areum is seeking for revenge.

Damn it.

Running 2 U | Nct 2018: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now