Chapter 23: I'll Kill You

Start from the beginning

"But—" I gaped at Lily as if Lyn had completely lost her mind. "You said we couldn't be a part of it."

"Only so the boys would believe me." She chuckled beneath her breath. "They don't want you girls hurt any more than I do, but those guys can't do this on their own. It's too much space to search in such a little amount of time."

Lily gripped the door handle, ready to run. "What do we do, Lyn?"

"You girls know the plan," Lyn said, turning her torso to direct us. "Get in there and help them."


I fell four feet into a storm drain and slammed my hands on the wall. The fall was exactly like the night I had followed Broden into the lumberyard to meet Noah. My feet tensed on the wet gravel below my feet, and I was relieved that I had worn my tennis shoes. We had to run. Once we got in, we would only have a little while before Noah's chemist set off a homemade bomb.

"Come on," Lily hissed, waving me toward her.

We ducked into the shrubbery and crawled against the ground until we reached the end. In front of us was an open doorway for delivery trucks. Before I could fathom how well it was hidden, Lily leapt out and sprinted. I ran after her.

As soon as we reached the first closed door, Lily had it open. We burst inside, and Lily had us through another doorway, a hallway, a room. "There are cameras in the meeting rooms, but Miles should have had them all shut off by now," she said over her shoulder. "They were going to go in through the break room."

I fought my eyes from looking around. "How many ways can you get into this place?"

Lily smirked. "Too many if you know the right people."

The twins never ceased shocking me with their secret antics. They were beyond intelligent, but I had never seen them use their skills for anything illegal. Two months ago, I felt as if they would've died from shame before breaking and entering, but Lily was the one leading me now, whispering orders like a seasoned criminal. Then again, knowing her past with Noah, she could actually be a criminal, and I would've never known.

I shuddered.

"I don't like this," Lily said, pressing her back against the wall. When she caught her breath, her chest moved up. "There should've been a worker around here."

She voiced my thoughts. It was too easy. No one was here except us. We were probably already caught, but I had accepted it days ago. When Noah was on tomo, he was screaming, he was in pain, he was hurt. This wasn't going to be as successful as we needed it to be. We only needed to survive it.

"Let's keep going," I said, pulling Lily off of the wall. If we could succeed at anything, we could get Rinley's records.

"We should have twenty minutes left—easily," she said. "We need to get to the third floor. The workers will know something's up soon." If they didn't already, which they probably did.

I stared at the walls as we passed them, knowing how destroyed the building would be in an hour. Miles would return to the Jeep after he disabled security, but the small explosion was supposed to cause a rapid electronic fire, burning most of the building down. Not as violent as Noah wanted it to be but equally as destructive.

Lily opened a door and peeked out. "Follow me," she said, leaping into the long hallway. She walked quickly with her head held high, but I lunged to stay next to her.

I didn't have a knife on me. I didn't feel right. This whole thing didn't feel right.

Lily's nimble hands opened the silver door at the end of the hallway, and we bounded up a stairway. "The south stairwell doesn't go to the third floor," Lily explained. "We have to take this one."

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