"Dude why are you so red? Are you choking?" He asked but because he got no reply, panic mode kicked in.

He quickly went behind him ready to perform abdominal thrusts. He was pretty excited to do them because he recently learned in Health Class how to get someone to stop choking properly. Although, as soon as he managed to wrapped his arms around Taehyung's small waist, he was quickly pushed off by his flailing arms while he insisted that he was fine and that he was, in fact, not choking.

Jungkook felt so embarrassed.

"Sorry, I just didn't want you to...y'know... choke and die."

"How can I 'choke and die' without eating anything?" Taehyung asked, still staring at the floor.

"Maybe you swallowed your pen lid."

"But I write with a pencil-"

"Maybe you swallowed your pencil."

"How could I swallow a pencil?"

"Like this." Jungkook said excitedly as he reached forward to Taehyung's book which had his pencil laid on it. He only managed to wrap his mouth around a couple inches of it before Taehyung pulled it out of his mouth.

"What the fu-"

"Hehe now you have my spit on your pencil."

"Gee, thanks." He replied sarcastically and felt a soft finger lift his chin up. His eyes locked with Jungkook's for the first time and he couldn't help but blush from how shy he felt under his touch. "You're supposed to make eye contact when you speak to someone, you know."

Just like when he was first introduced to Jungkook, he saw a sense of security and homeliness in his eyes, but he didn't know why.


Taehyung felt like he was on top of the world.

As a matter of fact, Taehyung was on top of the college, sat on the rooftop. Too much had happened that day for him to not reward himself with a little drawing break. With the flawless weather and the people-free space around him, he couldn't feel more tranquil.

He flicked through his old notebook to find an empty page for him to work on, only to see that there were only a couple left. He made a mental note to himself to buy another as he emptied his heart onto the page, watching all of the different shades of yellows and red blend together making yet another masterpiece.

The sun became less harsh on his skin as the time flew by, making little goosebumps appear on his arms and legs. An overwhelmingly strong smell of smoke entered his nostrils and got caught in the back of his throat. He coughed twice and got up and peered over the edge of the balcony to see whether the college was burning down below him, although it sadly wasn't.

Instead, a girl with blonde hair was reading a book with a cancer stick resting in between her lips. She looked really relaxed, leaning her back onto the balcony railing with her legs in a criss-cross position. Her oversized windbreaker was so big compared to her small frame that it looked like it was swallowing her whole.

She flicked her eyes up at the sound of someone coughing and met eyes with Taehyung. She thought he was around the same age as her, but noticed how innocent he looked behind his round specs and fluffy jumper, and was reminded of a toddler by the way he shyly clutched the pencil in his hand.

"May I help you?" She said, confused why he approached her. She tried to come across as a nice person, although the accidental harsh tone in her voice instantly made Taehyung frown.

"I just wanted to see who else was here, thought I was alone." He mumbled, slightly upset because he met another person who was rude.

"Oh, 'm basically always up here, unless I have one of my choice subjects then I'll go down for an hour." She explained.

"Is that even allowed?" Taehyung questioned while he squatted down beside her and hugged his legs.

"Mmm, maybe not...but who gives a shit? 'm gonna fail science and math anyway so there's no point in me turning up."

"But if you turned up then you wouldn't be failing." Taehyung said wisely, rubbing his hand along his arm trying to make heat from the friction.

The girl sighed and took a long drag from her cigarette, although she actually made sure not to choke the boy with the smoke that time. She took of her jacket and tossed it over to Taehyung for him to slip on.

"Stop, you sound like my parents, 'Lisa be like your brother', 'Lisa go and study', 'Lisa your grades are a disgrace to the family'," She mimicked with a sour look on her face and her voice lifted an octave higher, "Sometimes I just need a break from it all. Is that so bad?"

"I'm sorry that your family's like that." Taehyung said apologetically while fumbling with the sleeves of the jacket once he put it on, feeling bad for her.

His parents were never really strict with him before they died, but he was very young so they didn't really have anything to be strict about, other than the amount of sugar he had in one day. Despite that, he remained thankful that they were nothing but loving towards him.

"From what you said earlier, I gathered your name's Lisa," he said with an airy laugh, "The name's Taehyung."

She nodded and smiled while shaking the hand which Taehyung reached in front of her. He straightened his legs from squatting down and brushed the small specs of dusk from his bottom, not forgetting to pick up his notebook and his rucksack.

He decided to go back into the college for his last lesson because it was Drama Class and loved being in Seokjin's presence. He was curious to see how the boy was feeling after losing his beloved curry earlier that day.

Taehyung and Lisa each bid their goodbyes to one another but just before he left through the door, Lisa spoke up, "Thanks for sitting with me Taehyung. It's nice to not feel lonely for once."

He realised how good it felt to be the reason for someone's happiness.


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