Ruin The Friendship - Part One.

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It was just like any normal day off for you and your best friend. You didn't always get the same days off so when you did sometimes all you wanted to do was just lay around and binge watch whatever show you both have refused to watch without the other. You started setting up in the living room to watch Santa Clarita Diet while Nolan was in the kitchen getting the popcorn and drinks together.

"You need to hurry up before I start this without you!" you called out to him.

His long-haired head popped out from around the corner, "You better not!" and then he disappeared again.

You smiled to yourself as you settled into the couch waiting for him. You couldn't help to think about when you both met almost a year ago.

You had just moved to Philadelphia for work and ended up meeting him in the elevator of your building. You were taking a soon to be built coffee table from Ikea into the elevator when a hand stopped the doors from closing and in walked your soon to be best friend. You both smiled shyly as the doors finally closed and he reached in front of you to tap his floor number.

You could see him looking over at you out of the corner of your eye. He finally spoke up, "Did you just move in? I'm Nolan." He smiled while reaching out for you to shake his hand. You smiled and leaned the box against the elevator wall as you reached to shake his hand back, "Y/N and yeah finally getting the chance to get my place together more.", you said nodding toward the Ikea box.

"I actually have the rest of the day off if you need any help building things?" Nolan offered and you smiled. You did have a few more things in your apartment to put together and you only have today off for the next couple weeks. "Normally I would say no but I could actually really use the help." He smiled at your response. "Here let me add my number to your phone. Text me your apartment number and I'll come right over after I change." He said as he handed you his phone to plug in your info.

You snapped back to reality as Nolan placed the drinks on the coffee table before plopping down with the large bowl of popcorn for you both. "Nolan! Coasters... Are you trying to ruin your hard work before the year is even up?" you say laughing while popping coasters under your drinks. "Geez sorry mom" Nolan rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Okay I get it. I'm old" you say sarcastically. Nolan just rolled his eyes at you shaking his head while you pressed play to start the show.

You were a couple episodes into your binge-athon and you had settled into the nook under your best friend's arm. This wasn't anything new. You two were always cuddly with each other. You have been since the day you met. Somehow clicking with this 20-year-old even as you were 27 years old. It never felt weird, never forced. Sure, sometimes you both looked at one another a little longer when you would be dressed up for a night out, but that was it. I mean how could someone not think Nolan was attractive? He was mature for his age because of his career and how he was brought up but still had the fun playful side that you loved. And his face wasn't horrible to look at either.

Nolan could tell you weren't focusing on the show so he pulled you closer into his side "show boring you already?", he asked while rubbing your arm his hand was draped over. Through a tiny chuckle you told him, "no just a bit more tired than I thought I was" Nolan adjusted so you were in a more comfortable sleeping position, "Then shut your eyes and get some rest" and you smiled letting your eyes close.

You woke up a couple hours later to the sun setting and the sound of Nolan's heavy breaths while he sleeps. You tried to adjust slowly to move out of his arms since you both ended up laying completely flat on the couch in eachother's arms. The second you started to get up you felt Nolan's arms tighten to pull you back down to him. You could help but laugh and a little smirk grew on his face while his eyes were still shut, not noticing how close he pulled you to him.

"Nolan I want to order us dinner. "you whined. He opened one eye to look up at you, "No" he said like a child then quickly shut his eye again. You started poking his stomach, "come on. I know you're starving." He grabbed your hands to stop the poking but you fell slightly closer to him. You both paused for a moment before you cleared your throat and sat up. "So Pizza or Chinese?" you asked him while walking to the kitchen to grab the menus to your two favorite spots. When you walked back in Nolan was sitting up with a smirk on his face, "you pick tonight." You popped down next to him, "Chinese it is.", you say handing him the menu as you called up the restaurant to place a delivery order.

When the food finally arrived the two of you had moved on to whatever movie Travis had recommended, which was of course hilarious. You and Nolan were enjoying all the food you had ordered. The two of you loved to just get a bunch and share it all then of course have leftovers for the next couple days. "Hey, stop taking my food" you laughed while turning your body away from Nolan. He laughed and leaned toward you wrapping his arm around you trying to stab at your plate. "No no no, get some out of the container" you continued to laugh. "But yours is already all out and ready" he whined and relaxed his forehead on your shoulder. You shrugged Nolan off and finally turned to let him take your food. "Tastes so much better when it's yours" Nolan winked and you just shook your head at him.

Once the movie ended Nolan stretched out. "Time to head out?" you asked him, knowing him like the back of your hand. "Yeah I've got to be up early to head to the rink." he said when checking his phone. You both started gathering all the food and putting everything away in your fridge. Nolan started cleaning the dishes as you began to get together some of the food for him to take home. "No keep it here. I'm coming by tomorrow after practice." He tells you. You turn to give him a curious look, "and how do you know I'll be home?" He just laughs, "Don't pretend I don't know you." You laugh as you put the food away again.

"Alright all clean" he said proudly as he threw the hand towel at your head. You laughed and threw it back at him. "I appreciate the help" you smiled over at him. He gave you a smile back and walked over to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, "Don't eat the food without me" he smirked. "Nolan, I'm not making any promises." You smiled looking up at him. He just smirked down at you and you couldn't help but feel like something more than friendship was happening right now. "Alright I should head up to my place" Nolan said pulling you both from that moment. You nodded, "yeah of course" and you both walked to your door. He pulled you in for hug goodnight. You rested your head against his chest as you both held eachother tightly.

You both started to pull back as you looked up to say goodnight while reaching back to open the door. "I'm sorry I just have to" Nolan said and you looked up confused as his hands lightly grabbed onto the side of your face. He slowly moved towards you, making sure you weren't going to reject him. His lips finally met yours, but only for a few seconds and you kind of stood there alittle shocked. Nolan with a smirk plastered on his face, "goodnight, Y/N" he said as he walked out the door. You stood there for a few minutes, staring at the door. "Damn it, Nolan" was all you said as you walked away. This moment may ruin your friendship and you were starting to think that may not be such a bad thing.

IMAGINE: Nolan PatrickWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt