You're Trouble

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Today's the day you finally go to a Flyers game. I mean you bought a hat just because of this game. Your friend convinced you to come, conveniently sharing photos of how attractive their players are. Part of you thought about even wearing a jersey of your home team even though they weren't playing just to be petty. But here you were in Philadelphia wearing a Flyers hat. You had no idea where your seats were until you got to them. After stopping off to get a drink and popcorn you began to walk to your seats. You were in awe. You never even sat this close for your own team! Now you are about to watch the Flyers on the glass.

You and your friend were enjoying the music and atmosphere when the Flyers took to the ice for warmups. Honestly you grew up with hockey so you were used to all the noises which means you weren't even phased when a puck came flying and hitting the glass right in front of you. You just kept dancing to the warm ups' playlist. The first thing that caught your attention was when #19 skated towards you. You both smirked when you caught each other's eye.

"hey, which one..." you started but your friend quickly answered, "Nolan Patrick." She smiled over at you. You turned back to him who was passing the puck back and forth with #11, which you knew was Travis Konecny because of how much your friend adored him. You watched as they laughed and chatted to one another, then they tried to slyly look in the direction of you and your friend before skating towards your side of the ice.

Nolan lightly bumped the glass in front of you then tapped his stick to get you to look up at him. "Hi" is all you said once looking up and meeting his eyes. He just smiled at you and nodded toward where the photographer was stationed right next to you, so you moved closer to their spot. You looked back over at your friend who was doing some flirting of her own with Travis before turning back to Nolan who was motioning for you to move down to the camera hole.

"hello again" you said causing a shy smile to form on his face. "hi" he said back to you, "I'm Nolan" You smiled at him, "Y/N". He looked around quickly, "I just wanted to see if I could get some of that popcorn." He winked. All you could do was laugh at him, which by the look on his face he loved. "Go for it" you said tilting the popcorn slightly towards him so he could grab some. Nolan smiled and wiggled his glove clad finger at you, "Can't you see I need your help, Y/n?" he smiled a childish grin which was rewarded with the mother of all eye rolls even though you were loving this moment. You grabbed a couple pieces reaching through the camera hole to drop them in his opened mouth, getting a smile from both of you. "Thanks" he winked. "You're trouble" you told him as he through his head back and laughed, skating back over to where Travis and your friend were. "Well that was interesting" you friend laughed as warmups came to an end.

Once the Flyers were off the ice for warm ups you and your friend continued to have the best time, singing and dancing the time away. As your friend jumped on Instagram to make a post from your seats you heard her gasp slightly. "What?" you asked her slightly concerned. She just smiled at you as she turned to show you what she found. It was a photo on the Flyers' Instagram page of you feeding Nolan popcorn with the caption "Sharing is caring 🍿" and your jaw dropped slightly. It already had so many likes and you suddenly felt nervous about being at this game now. Your friend just laughed making you feel better.

As the game started you caught Nolan occasionally looking in your direction when he was on the bench, which caused you to mouth to him "watch the game not me" pointing between you and the ice. He started shaking his head as he looked down while laughing. They went on to win the game, Nolan even scored and pointed toward you during the celebration. As the boys skated around center ice saluting the fans for the win he looked over for you again. You smiled as you locked eyes and waved goodbye. You might have seen it wrong but you were pretty sure you saw a slight disappointment in his eye. You shook off the thought as you followed your friend out of the arena and off to the parking lot.

IMAGINE: Nolan PatrickOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora