Guess That Instagram

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Requested anon: Would you mind writing something about Nolan getting interviewed and he gets asked about you and his cheeks get all red and rosy and fucking cute

Nolan had to go into Wells Fargo for interviews for some fun in-game content, normally it isn't something you would go to with him but he was being extra clingy today. You really didn't mind at all, he had been away on a road trip for the last week so you were happy to come along.

"I'm happy to be home" Nolan smiled while intertwining your fingers with his as his other hand gripped the steering wheel.

You turned to look at him as he lifted your hand to his lips so he could place light kisses on your knuckles, "I'm definitely not complaining about getting to wake up to you actually in the bed next to me." You loved how sweet he was being today.

As you arrive at Wells Fargo Nolan is quick to get to your side of the car before you could open the door, "You are really on one today, Sweets." You say to him with a chuckle and he just smiles as he smoothly takes your hand in his to walk into the building.

Everything is so much calmer when it isn't game day. You love coming here to see the relaxed atmosphere. Nolan is beside you, saying hello to everyone he sees, and stopping to talk to any of his favorite crew members. You watched him as he talked. How his eyes glistened when he smiled. How delicately he tucks his hair behind his ears. How he fidgets and scratches his arm when he starts to get shy during a conversation. There really wasn't a thing that you didn't love about this guy.

You both heard her at the same time and turned to see Andrea, the in-arena host, walking down the hall to you both. "Nolan, Y/N! So happy to see you both! I'm so glad he brought you! I haven't seen you in ages!" she said while embracing you in a huge hug.

As you were returning Andrea's hug you were laughing, "I know I wasn't turning down a day to see you!" With one last squeeze, she pulled back smiling and gave Nolan a quick hug before showing us the way to where the interviews with happening.

You sit in the back of the room as Andrea gives Nolan a little run down of what they will be doing. You sit back and watch, just enjoying seeing him in this setting. It honestly warms your heart when you see how shy and quiet he can be in interviews.

They reached the final interview which was a fun Instagram game where he had to guess whose content Andrea was showing. Everyone knows Nolan is rarely on social media so it wasn't a surprise with how poorly he was doing. He obviously got anything TK correct. I mean TK probably uses Instagram less than Nolan.

"Okay, this is the last one" Andrea announces and she gets a little devilish smirk on her face looking towards you and your eyes instantly went wide as you remembered Nolan's very VERY rare story he posted last night. It honestly wasn't anything bad or inappropriate, just you and Nolan are not ones to post your relationship on anything public so this is new for you.

You heard the video start to play as it sent you back to the moment last night. You were lying in bed with Nolan. His arm was around you, pulling you as close to him as he possibly could. His arm gently stroking your arm as you closed your eyes to fall asleep with him for the first time in a week. "I love you, beautiful" you heard in his gorgeous deep voice. "I love you" you said with a tired smile as you slowly opened your eyes to smile at him. Then you saw he was filming it. "Ugh bubba, what? Why?" you said pulling the blanket over your face causing him to crack up and lean his head down to you to place a quick kiss to the top of your head before ending the video.

As the video ended you locked eyes with Nolan and he was just smiling. It was the first time he wasn't nervous during his interviews. "I mean that was obviously mine." He smiled, looking down while a rosy blush started to form on his cheeks, as he was thinking back to filming it. "You know the funniest part of that wasn't filmed. Y/N was in shock I actually put the video up on my Instagram story, it's definitely not like us to do that. All the sudden she gets a phone call from our friend Kristen and she's freaking out asking us if we meant to upload that video. That someone may have gotten into our devices and posted this. She's just about to throw herself into a panic attack so I took the phone from Y/N to calm her down." Andrea smiled and agreed that everyone was pretty shocked to actually see a video of us. "Believe me, she was very shocked too. We both were getting messages none stop. I mean really it was the first post anyone ever really got of us from us. I didn't think it would cause the craziness that it did." Nolan finished with a smile locked right on you and you just winked back at him.

Andrea laughed and joked with Nolan more as they wrapped up his interview day. "We need to get together soon" Andrea said as she hugged you goodbye. "Oh of course, just text me when you know you are free" you smiled to Andrea before you parted ways and began walking to Nolan's car. Nolan kissed your cheek before he opened the door for you to jump in before him. "thank you for coming with me" he smiled as he started his car and began the quick drive home. "Anytime, my love" you smiled over to him as you reached for his hand, placing a kiss to the top before lower both your hands to rest on your knee.

IMAGINE: Nolan PatrickWhere stories live. Discover now