Lottie Hecox

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"Three years after the fall of Jurassic World, the debate over Isla Nublar rages on. The island's long-dormant volcano, reclassified as active, has shown considerable unrest in recent months. Geologists now predict an extinction-level event will kill off the last living dinosaurs on the planet.
"Since the disaster that shocked the world in twenty-fifteen, the Masrani Corporation has paid out more than eight-hundred-million in damages to settle class-action lawsuits brought by survivors. Activist groups have mobilised around the globe in what has become the flashpoint animal rights issue of our time.
"With an eruption expected at any moment, the U.S. Senate has convened a special committee to answer a grave moral question: do dinosaurs deserve the same protections given to other endangered species, or should they be left to die?"

The TV is switched off, abruptly ending the news report.
"Hey, I was watching that." I comment, turning to face Eli as he places the TV remote back on the glass coffee table.
"Why?" He questions, sitting down next to me. "We have a plan to save the dinosaurs. We just need Ms Dearing, and then we shall be ready."
He places a large hand on my knee and rubs softly.
"Everything is going to work out for the best." He smiles, leaning over and capturing my lips with his.

Eli kisses me, and the world falls away. It is slow and soft, comforting in ways that words could never be. His hand rests below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingle. I pull away with a soft smile on my face.
"What was that for?" I question.
He shrugs.
"I just felt like it. Plus, it is all because of you that we can save the dinosaurs."
I shake my head. "No, Eli, it is all because of you and Lockwood."
He leans in for another kiss, but we are interrupted by Ian and Masie running into the room.

"Is it on yet?" Ian asks as he plops himself in between us.
Masie snuggles onto my lap, cuddling my soft jumper, as she stares at the black screen.
"Lottie, you said that you would call us in when it was on." She pouts.
I kiss the top of her head as I switch the TV back on.
"There we go."

"We now go live to the Capitol, where the vote whether to take preventative action to protect the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar has been decided."
The camera flicks to Senator Sherwood.
"After a thorough deliberation, the committee has resolved not to recommend any legislative action regarding the de-extinct creatures on Isla Nublar. This is an act of God. And while, of course, we feel great sympathy for these animals, we cannot condone government involvement on what amounts to a privately owned venture."

I flick the TV off, and we remain in a stunned silence. Both Ian and Masie have tears in their eyes, and I pull them both in for a tight hug.
"Mom, are the dinosaurs going to die?" Ian asks me; his small voice seems loud in the silent room.
I turn to Eli for guidance.
"No, Ian, they're not. Your mother and I have devised a plan to save as many as we can and take them to a safe island to live." Eli gently explains.
This news brightens the kids up, and they jump off the sofa.
"So, we're saving the dinosaurs?" Masie confirms.
"Yep." I grin.
They shriek with joy and rush out of the room, probably to go and bother Iris. Eli kisses my lips one more time before he stands up.

"I have a phone call to make. This is the best time to get Ms Dearing on board." He bends down in front of me, placing his hands on my thighs. "I think that you also have a call to make."
I shake my head.
"There's no point." I huff. "He's an arrogant asshole who won't listen to reason. I've played the Grady card. He wants nothing to do with it."
"I'll get Claire Dearing on board. I'm sure she might be able to persuade him. After all, they did use to date."
This catches me by surprise, and it takes me a moment to formulate what I should say next."
"Maybe." I shrug. "He's still as arrogant as a caviar filled child. You'll need a pretty big cheque."
Eli's expression falls as he stands up and heads towards the door.
"Focus on Claire." I start. "She's the most important."
He nods and exits the room with a solemn expression on his face.

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