Noooooo not the toast!

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Dracia: *runs in with jade homestuck cosplay* where's big al and piko?!

Luka: I-I don't know... I'm useless with this...

Gumi: I think that big al has a fate of being eaten alive...

Miku: that's not even voca-

Dracia: *karl law of talos cosplay* I DOnT KNOW WHY IM LIKE THIS wait... eaten... alive... oh no *runs into kitchen*

Len: *hugging rin*

Rin: *eating cake*

Piko: *eating toast*

Dracia: *barrel cosplay* piko noooooooooooooo


Dracia: *staphano cosplay* -_-

Piko: oh hi staphano-senpai!

Dracia: ...I won't even ask. *grabs toast* why has this toast got a big bite in it?

Piko: I was hungry

Dracia: you ATE BIG AL!

Sweet Ann: *old box art* what was that?! *shots lazer from eyes randomly*

Everyone but rin: *runs*

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