Vocaloid theory!

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So, I have a little fan theory about the kagamine twins. I'm not sure if it already exists, but it's just a little head canon I thought I might share. skip if your reading for funny stuff, but If your interested, read on and I might make a book for theories.

So, the theory is that the kagamine twins are from royal decent. my obvious evidence is that in the story of evil, rin is a princess with len as her servant and brother, and (is this a spoiler warning :/) after they both die they are brought to life as vocaloids. since rin is a princess it would instantly say 'royalty' but I have more evidence.

Next is the song 'childish war'. In the english lyrics at the beginning of the song, the twins are described as 'a close pair of siblings of high nobility', which is then described as being aristocrats.

That's pretty much all I have to say to my theory, but feel free to add to the theory in the comments or tell me what you think of it, I'd love to know.

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