Twin prank (prt 3)

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Kanon: *in Anons clothes* *walks to Meiko* HEY MEI.... oh ermm.... Excuse me... Meiko?

Meiko: yeah anon?

Kanon: *steals meiko's sake and runs out of room*

Meiko: ANON!!!

Kanon: that was fun!

Rin: *in len's clothes*I know! come on, let's...

Meiko: *kicks door down* ANON!!!

Rin + kanon: *runs out*

~~~~~in le tree~~~~~

Rin: so, now what?

Kanon: ... Want a ice cream?

Rin: oh yeah.

~~~~~time skip, brought to you by a blue pikachu~~~~~

~~~~~in kitchen~~~~~

Rin: hey kaito!

Kaito: hmm? oh hey len.

Rin: *opens freezer and takes out a ice cream*

Kaito: hey! that's my ice cream!

Rin: *runs out*

Kanon: I'd say that's enough pranking.

Rin: Yeah... don't want to get caught

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