Notice and fourth wall breaks

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Hey! so this first parts not randomness, but I thought I might mention that I've created a vocaloid rp and a vocaloid 'quiz' where you guess a vocaloid song based on its english lyrics (for the non english songs) and I thought if you want you can check them out, but you don't have to. anyway, time for the randomness!


Gumi: hey akikoloid-chan!

Akikoloid: you don't have to use the -chan you know, nobody else here does

Gumi: but that's your full name

Akikoloid: yeah but have you seen what it says before my speech? It says akikoloid

Miku: woahhh there akikoloid! don't go off breaking the fourth wall like that!

Akikoloid: but you...

Miku: *puts hand on akikoloid's mouth* shhhhh! sorry guys, i'm going to have to close the chapter at this

Akikoloid: *muffled complaints*

Vocaloid randomnessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora