Draco entered silently, clicking the door locked behind him. Olivia motioned to her mouth to see if she could talk, and once Draco gave her the go ahead she did exactly that, "Draco what the bloody hell is going on? How long have I been here? What have I been drugged with?"

Draco shushed her before she could ask anything about her memories, "I said I would explain as we tried to brush through your hair. Take a seat and we'll do exactly that, okay?"

Again, Olivia bit her tongue and nodded as she was told as Draco launched into his rushed explanation. She briefly wondered if it was the remnants of whatever control she'd been under or if it was the pure panic in Draco's eyes that made her so obedient.

"So this is going to sound absolutely horrible and I'm truly sorry but I need you to stay focused today so I'm going to keep this simple. You've been here for a year now and have been drugged with Amortentia and some other potion to dampen your powers and to keep you obsessed with me so that you wouldn't act out. Today I was given the remedy to the Amortentia, which is what you took earlier, and I will be giving you the rest later on whenever I am instructed to by the Dark Lord."

"The Dark Lord? What—" Olivia's heart dropped to her toes at the news, fully understanding the panic in Draco's eyes. And, yet again, she was cut off.

"I'm supposed to give him my reports on the tasks he's given me, one of which being keeping you here and under control. So, when he instructs me to, I will give you the rest of the remedy and more of the power-dampening potion as per his instructions. I don't know what he's going to ask of you to do to you but I can guarantee he will keep you alive and will do whatever to get you on his side. This is where I need you to be especially creative.

"I gave you enough of the remedy to clear your mind slightly, but when we're around people you need to stay as obsessed as ever until I give you the rest of the remedy, at which point you will need to be as sick and groggy as you feel now. Once I give you the potions I may or may not be dismissed from the room, but in either case you need to succumb to joining his side as quickly and as genuinely as you can. Once you do, he will hopefully call me back in to either administer more Amortentia or to just take you back to the cellar. Once we're back here, I'm going to need you to be as inconspicuous as possible until I can come up with a plan to get you out of here."

"What happens to you? If I get out and it's discovered you helped me?" Olivia instantly asked, knowing the answer but wanting Draco to be the one to say it. She was thankful for what Draco was doing to save her, of course, but she knew she was not about to let him become a martyr on her part.

"They'll probably have my head." Draco said in a broken voice, "But it'll be alright because you'll be safe and away from here."

"Draco I'm not going to let you do that. I can handle this place as long as I need to to keep you safe." Olivia said immediately, though the voice of reason in the back of her mind knew very well that continued residence here could very well mean more potions, and she was terrified of just how much she would be forced to forget as a result.

How much longer until I'm just a shell? The rational/panicked voice in her head asked ominously, and Olivia did her best not to show it.

Draco just sighed, "I'm not letting you stay here where I have to try and keep my father away and now have to worry about the Dark Lord torturing you too. I'm getting you out of here."

"Then I'm taking you with me. They can't kill you if you're not here." Olivia flinched as Draco powered his way through another mass of knots. Her reasonable side began to second-guess the offer as soon as she offered it, especially since she had no idea where to go once she got out of here, but the braver side of her didn't care one bit. They would figure it out.

"Where would we go? They would never allow me to join them with my background. You need to go to your family and they would kill me just as quickly."

Olivia stared sharply at him through her hair as best she could, "Draco, you're just as much family to me as— as anyone else. If I tell them you are staying, then you are staying. I'm not backing down from this."

Draco checked his watch and swore, "Shit, ten minutes until we're supposed to head upstairs. We'll discuss this afterwards, now I need you to help me with your hair so that we can be early."

Olivia ran her hands through her battered curls as Draco finished brushing to the best of his abilities. They both decided that was good enough and, after securing Olivia back within her chains and detaching them from the wall of the cellar, the two made their way upstairs in a sea of fear and determination.

"Careful of your thoughts," Draco whispered before redoing the Silencio charm on her.

Instantly Olivia wondered how the hell she could be "careful of her thoughts" but she pushed any doubts away and tried to focus on being obsessed with Draco. Thankfully, the lovestruck portion of her thoughts still remained enough in tact that it wasn't too hard to accomplish (though it left a rather horrible taste in her mouth).

Draco walked behind her as she shuffled along in her chains, with his wand barely grazing the spot between her shoulder blades. She knew— or rather, hoped— that she could trust him to at least use non painful spells if need be.

"Draco, you're ready, good, good," Narcissa ushered the two down the hallway with Lucius right on her heels.

"Remember your manners, Draco, and keep her under control," Lucius gave as his own word of advice. Olivia did her best not to break down just in the presence of him while she was shackled.

"Hurry up, we mustn't keep him waiting!" Bellatrix hissed at them from the door that the Dark Lord was apparently behind. In an instant, Bellatrix took the place of Draco behind Olivia and Draco placed himself in front of her. Olivia reached out towards him in an act of longing, but Bellatrix's wand was soon jabbed into her back.

"No moving unless we tell you to, filthy half-Blood!" Olivia genuinely gulped in fear at the comment, knowing Bellatrix wouldn't show the same mercy Draco would.

A stodgy man with a silver arm that Olivia vaguely recognised opened the door for the procession, and Olivia found herself truly terrified for her life.

The dark wooden floor was cold as Olivia was pushed to her knees. The door closed solidly behind them. Olivia refused to look up and could feel herself shaking.

A colder than should be possible hand grabbed the underside of her chin and forced her to look into the  piercing red eyes that was attached to it.

"Excellent work, Draco."


Up to date authors note!: Hi y'all, it's been a little long since the last update, but in my defence I did just move across the country to uni sooo you'll have to forgive me😅. In case I haven't already said sorry for the change in writing/updating pace, I really am sorry if anything gets screwed up with this life upheaval I've got going on. If it ever gets too bad, yell at me to update in the comments and I'll do my best!


Ngl writing Voldemort has me shaking too (though for entirely different reasons). I feel like my brain has little to no barrier between movie Voldy and book Voldy but I know I was much more scared of the book version, so I'm going to do my best to capture that here.

And just in case anyone is confused, the two parts of Breaking are really just meant to show the two sides of Olivia/Draco. And, if all goes according to their plan, expect a lot of chapters in a similar format since Olivia has quite a few gaps to fill in and I feel like Draco will be a good set of eyes to help everyone see the full picture.

Anyways please leave feedback and I hope that you enjoyed!

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