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•• Harry ••

In my four years of experience of being a barista, in the span of those four years, the questions like 'why did I even became a barista?', 'how did I even got this job in the first place again?' and 'what's the reason why I didn't quit from this job?' have came into my mind several times already.

Those repetitive questions just keeps coming back in my head and it keeps asking me and somehow I couldn't find the answers to those questions.

I'm not gonna lie this job is a bit boring and honestly, this wasn't what I expected my future to be.

My parents always expected me to be working for a high-end company or run my own business, but look how I ended up to be.
A fucking barista, here in New York.

My parents kept asking me why I won't quit from this 'nasty and disgusting job', at least that's what they say, and I'm honestly still finding a good reason why.

My train of thoughts got interrupted when Max called me, I shook off the thoughts clouding in my head consisting of asking myself why I'm still in this job.

I was leaning against the counter, my back feeling the polished wooden counter with my arms folded and placed on my chest..

Today's a slow day at the cafe, I've already counted the number of customers that went in and out of the door and it's only been twelve customers for today. Which is a bit low compared to the number of people here during the weekends.

"Hey, Harry. Mind if you make a drink for a customer?" Max asked with his usual nonchalant tone.

Max only started working here three months ago since the old cashier whose name is Danny resigned and moved back to his hometown with his wife.

Max is only twenty-two and he's the youngest from all of us, the eldest being Henry who's twenty-eight, just two years older than me.

"That's my job, isn't it? What's the drink?" I asked while I stood up properly to prepare myself to make a drink for a customer.

Making this the thirteenth customer for today.

"One caramel latte for miss blondie over there." He said, even though I didn't even asked for who it was.

He averted his look to the cashier counter and I followed my gaze on what's he's looking at or who's he looking at rather.

And I think I've just found a good reason on why I'm not going to quit.

I met her blue eyes but she immediately turned away, it's a shame though, I wanted to see more of her.

Alright, maybe it's too soon to say that I've found my reason why I'm staying. I've barely seen this entrancing lady, let alone ever seen her.

I believe I haven't seen her in town before. But nevertheless, if she'll come here every single day, then I'm more than willing to stay in this job just to see her face.

I only got a glimpse of her pretty face but that was more than enough.

I saw her blue eyes, and god they're the bluest eyes I've ever seen on anyone. In fact, it's as blue as the ocean. Her blonde hair that falls just above her shoulders and her red lips completes her look.

She's certainly a gorgeous woman.

"Earth to Harry? You still there? You seem to be a little entranced by blondie." Max said breaking my train of thoughts for the second time for today.

I blinked back a couple of times and shifted my look on Max who has a smirk plastered on his face.

"What are you smirking at?" I said in a low voice, a bit annoyed by the look he's giving me.

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