I breathe out, looking at him from the corner of my eye and squeeze Hollands hand back, thumb rubbing small circles on her knuckle.

Movement catches my attention out the door and a man pushes it open, green eyes sweeping to Holland before finding Gary's, "We have company." He says lowly, eyes worried.

Gary moves to the window, staring out.

"It seems your team have arrived." He looks back at me, his eyes going to Holland.

I relax.

The man at the door straightens, "I'll let them in."

He disappears, his footsteps echoing down the stairs.

I hear the downstairs door swing open on squeaky hinges, hurried footsteps echoing across the floor.

Tires on gravel sound again and I move my gaze back to the window, narrowing my eyes as Gary twists to look out.

I open my mouth to ask who it is when the door swings open.

I turn to the door, breathing out a sigh of relief as Clay enters, followed by Cleo.

"Are you guys okay? We've spent weeks searching everywhere for you. Where have you been?" Clay says calmly, though the storm brewing behind the green depth's yells anything but serenity, eyes blazing as he stares between Holland and I.

"We were taken." I say.

"No shit." Cleo snaps, eyes dark with intent to murder.

Gary slips out, shutting the door softly behind him.

I breathe out a tired chuckle, finally relaxing and sitting beside Holland on the bed once more. It dips slightly, my shoulder brushing hers and I turn to look at her, making sure I didn't bump a wound.

Cleo's eyes sweep over Holland and I, seeing the dark under eyes and exhausted state, the bruises still marring both our bodies.

"You didn't say anything to Director?" I ask, looking to Clay with a raised brow, only now noticing the resemblance between him and his sister. The similar hair colour, shape of the eyes and facial structure.

I blink back to reality, listening to Clay as he answers. "You told me not to." He shakes his head, eyes slightly suspicious as they linger between Holland and I, "I couldn't even if I wanted to, he hasn't reopened HQ since the shooting the night you guys were taken, he's been holed up there, sifting his calls and monitoring all the information coming and going."

"He hasn't said anything?"

"He didn't even say there was a shooting until we tried to get into HQ after we found your car trashed." Cleo says. "He sent out an Agency wide missive to dismiss communication with anyone that isn't part of The Division."

Holland moves, trying to push herself off the bed.

I stop her, hand landing gently on her wrist.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to walk." She says to my question.

"You can't walk." I says even as I help her stand, taking most of the weight.

"You're very stubborn." Cleo says through a smile, stepping back a step.

"You're only just learning this?" I grumble.

"Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes?" Comes a new voice and I look towards the open doorway to Liam.

He grins and winks at Holland, "It's okay, we'll pretend we didn't see you weak so you can still have your bad bitch persona."

"Liam," I warn but Holland only chuckles tiredly, hand clutching to my bicep.

"Good to see you too, Liam."

"I am quite handsome to look at, but despite that. Let's get you out of here."

"Let me get her fixed up first."

I look towards the door, relaxing when I see Gary, eyes focusing on the woman next to him.

The woman's kind dark eyes stare at Holland, dark skin glowing under the apartment lights.

"Nelle." Holland breathes out.

"Hey Stranger." She grins, "Let's get you looked at." She walks further in, a large duffle clutched in hand.

Holland taps me gently and I help her back to the bed, settling beside her.

"Are you hurt?" Nelle asks softly.

"Of course, they are, can you not see the bruises." Liam points out mockingly, Nelle turns to glare at him, and he shuts up swiftly.

"Okay, who's first?" The woman turns back to us, raising a brow.

"She is." I get off the bed, standing beside it so the Doctor has room to work.

Holland sits straight, blinking up at me, anxiety in the dark depths..

"Where are you hurt?" Nelle prompts, raising a brow, silently telling Holland to show her.

Still, Holland doesn't move.

I lean down, speaking lowly, "They won't judge you."

She breathes in deeply and turns on the bed, putting her back to us.

I move around the side of the bed, sitting down in front of her, forcing her gaze to meet mine.

Her fingers fiddle with the hem of the shirt, and I reach forward, taking her hands in mine.

'Are you okay?' I mouth, her body blocking the movement so she's the only one who sees it.

She smiles softly back, nodding.

I lift the shirt, eyes linked to Hollands the whole time as I lift it over her head, her eyes closing those few seconds it takes for the shirt to lift.

I hand the rolled up shirt to her, letting her twist the fabric in her hands, her back showcased to the four people staring at it.

Gasps echo across the room, the most noticeable coming from Clay, all of them seeing the words carved into her back, 'See No Evil.'

"Holy shit." I hear Liam whisper and my head snaps up, glaring at him, watching Cleo whack his across the back of the head.

I look back to Holland, finding her eyes on my face, tracing the contours, using me as distraction.

"They're not bad." I whisper, so lowly only she can hear, and she nods, blinking back at me in silence, hand reaching for mine and squeezing it.

Nelle stays silent as she examines Hollands back before telling her they will scar.

I watch Holland close her eyes, my thumb rubbing small circles on her hand, soothing her nerves. Her finger nails dig into my flesh as Nelle begins the process of cleaning and tending to the wounds.

Liam whistles from behind her, his twinkling blue eyes on her back. "These are going to look bad ass."

I grin, watching Holland smile back.

'Told you.' I mouth and she squeezes my fingers tightly in retaliation but the smile on her face makes it worth it.

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