The cut above my brow stings with a vengeance. A choked sob leaves my lips and I hit the door, slamming it open and clawing at the seatbelt holding me.

A screech leaves my lips when I finally get it undone, my fingertips smarting.

I throw my arms up, walking towards the man staring at me.

"Why?!" I scream, tears streaking down my face. "Tell me why?!"

"Agent Eleven, I need you to calm down."

"Tell me why?"

Director shakes his head, looking down at me.

"I could've saved her!" The cry wrenches from my throat, my hands slapping against Director's chest. "I could've saved her."

"No, you couldn't. She was dead when we got there."

My knees hit the concrete, rocks digging into the skin. "I could've saved her."

"It's done, Agent."

"Why? Why couldn't you let me go?" My voice cracks but still he stays stubbornly silent.

The clouds split, thunder roaring as rain plunges down. My tears mixing with the taste of rainwater on my lips.

"You're a coward. You're letting them get away with it."

"There's nothing we can do."

I push myself from the ground, taking a threatening step forward, the tears clouding my vision.

"It's your fault she's dead. It's your fucking fault," I choke, a splutter leaving my lips.

My name leaves his lips, the word venomous.

"Don't," I screech, "Don't fucking call me that. You have no right."

His hands land on my shoulder, holding me still as the Agent by his side crowds in.

I push back, chipped nails scratching at his hands. Blood lines the skin, my voice cracking.

The needle slides into my skin, my vision blurring around the edges as a thick layer of honey coats my limbs.

They drop, and Director lets go, my knees smash into the ground before the rest of me follows.

"It's your fault." The whispered words leave my lips seconds after thunder cracks across the sky, cutting me to the bone. "They won't get away-"

I blink, the movement too slow.

Samael's head lifts and he nods to someone else, the hazy figures of people in white coats surrounding me.

"Take her."

Hands grab at me, and I push back weakly, blinking up at him. "I'll never forgive you."

"One day you will."

"I'll kill you before I ever forgive you." I murmur as the darkness finally tightens its clutches and I disappear into the abyss.

I blink out of the memory, staring at the swaying bag across from me, knuckle aching.

August seventh used to be yours and now it's just another day.

I flex my fist, rubbing a finger over my sore knuckles with a grimace.

"I thought I told you to use wraps." I hear a voice mutter behind me, and I spin, raising a brow at Archer.

Alliance || 1 || ✔️ matureМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя