Part 1 - Nihilist Blues

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Nothing. Nothing matters.
"What's the point in life? Where are we all even heading towards?"
I couldn't really tell you, all I feel inside is a hollow emptiness.

I wouldn't call myself a true "nihilist" but I definitely relate to what it's saying. I tend to feel this emptiness a lot in my life. It's not strictly a negative thing for me, but sometimes I find my self asking these questions and questioning my existence and true purpose in life. But do I even have a set purpose? Oh look, I've done it again. Sorry. These questions aren't really something I have control of, they just keep popping up and sticking in my head life a fly trapped on a web. Forever trapped with no way out.

And I guess people see it too, I mean if I were them looking at me I'd be dam sure that kid didn't give a shit about anything. He would never look anyone in the eyes, rarely talked unless he thought it was appropriate to do so. Never followed fashion trends or ate lunch in the cafeteria with friends. Never showed interest in other people, never went to extra curricular events.
Never showed a smile.

That's just the way I happened to be.
Is it who I want to be?


And there it was, the sound of the beginning of another pointless day.

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