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I don't understand...
I'm so lost...
I'm in a dark hole
it's pitch black..
No light..
I'm suffering
Who will bring me back..
I'm lost..
I'm scared...
do I help.?
hey! I'm here too..
life just something right?
everything is a drug.
everyone can't deal with the real pain
They hide it..
they fall into that dark hole
They repeat it everyday.
they keep it inside of them..
They look in the mirror and there disgusted.
there worried they'll turn out like the other one.
They try to reach out for help but no one is there.
it repeats.
there falling threw the black hole.
always lost.
always blaming there self.
they always say.
I'm a mistake
Why am I here?
no one wants me.
it repeats until.
someone can yet again find the light for them.
Then it's like a chain reaction...
once's someone is lost in a black hole someone else doesn't see the light no more.
I'm scared.
where is everyone?!
why am I here?
losing is always me.
I'm worth nothing.
the pain won't go away..
leave me alone...
I'm in hell now.
I want it to stop!
when can it be the end.
I want it too end.
We then reach out again but they find the right person.
until you realize that person is dead..

The end.

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