Chapter 5: Discovery

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"Woah, T-bird, what the hell did you do to your back?"

I looked up to the ceiling exasperated, rolling the back of my tank top back down. I exhaled, and turned to him. "I fell off the ferris wheel, because I missed the ladder." I awaited his laughter, but remarkably, there was none.

"Sounds like it hurt T." He said with a compassionate smirk. "I got just what you need." He walked over to the desk, putting his hand underneath, an opening sound. Then a closing sound. He held up a 6 pack, smiling, he tossed me a can.

"Thanks. Sneaky of you to keep beer at a job site. Aren't there codes or laws that prohibit this?" I sat down gently on the couch, careful of my back, I leaned into the couch opening the can.

"Hey now, I am a boss man, I am allowed a little fun." he said setting the beer onto the table, and sitting down in the chair. He propped his boots up on the table, and let out a satisfied sigh. "You're always so serious Tina, I could never understand that bout' cha'."

"I am not!" I blurted. Shaking my head. "Maybe you just don't know me well enough!"

"You never really did give me a chance, now did yah? I'm just, and I quote, a stupid redneck boy who will never be anything but a dumb mascot, oh and you hated me." He nodded at me, as sipped his own beer.

"I never said that." I looked at him cautiously confused.

"To me." He said in a correcting tone. "No, you said it to Jocelyn and Chloe Barbash in the girls locker room senior year. I think you laughed. I was standing on the other side of the door and heard you guys talking, heard my name and stuck around. Now you can't lie to me, you know I was a damn good mascot." This is when he started laughing. "I am the stupid redneck, but you're the one who fell off a ferris wheel. Whose really the stupid one?" He was laughing full out at this point.

I just kind of chuckled nervously. 

"Oh, what, scared I'll air your dirty laundry." He winked, and chuckled again.

"That wasn't me. I didn't say that."

"Say wha..?" He looked dumbfounded.

"I was in the locker room, but Tammy said that. I was showering after soccer practice. I heard her too." He just gave me an empty stare, then cracked a smile.

"You're just joshin' me girl, I know it was you."

"No, Zeke, it wasn't." My toned became a little aggressive. "Why would I say something like that about someone I cared about and called a friend.'' 

He looked perplexed.

"All these years you thought I was secretly bashing you behind your back?" I stood up, from pain and being frustrated. I winced."You really thought I would say something so hurtful about you?" I put the now empty can on the table. I picked up my tool box, which now felt like 100lbs thanks to my fall. 

"Where are you going, T?" Zeke said quietly. He stood up with me, like he was going to help me out.

"Home. I don't know where the hell Teddy is, but if he comes back while you're still here, let him know I walked. It's nearly 12:30. I need to get some sleep." I lugged myself and the tool box out of the trailer. I made sure the screen door slammed shut. I walked down the stairs and to the front of the job site.

Alright Tina, you can do this. Just think about Zeke thinking you're a jerk. 


Why is this making me angry?

Every step was starting to hurt a little more.

You're almost there. Damn you Zeke. I feel so childish for storming out.

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