Chapter 4: New Old Beginnings

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"Married?! Married?!"

Zeke and Logan watched as Louise and I went back and forth. I guess it was a little dramatic, but how could Jimmy Jr. marry Tammy? That ping of hurt that I shouldn't be feeling, I felt. I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu!" I started getting panicky.

"Woah T-Bird, what's the big deal. They've been together since high school. You really didn't know? They've been married at least two years now." Zeke put his hand on my forearm, I guessed in an effort to calm me down.

"No, I didn't know. I'm going to to go say hi to mom and dad, I have to go now." I slid out of the booth quickly, basically running out the door. Before I got all the way out, I heard Zeke say to Louise:
"You'd think she'd be over him by now. Give someone else a shot with her, right?"

I got to the door next to the restaurant and ran up the stairs where I startled my mom who was watching TV in the living room. I laid out on the living room floor, like I always did when I was upset.

"What's wrong Tina?" Mom looked at me on the floor from her position on the couch.

"I-just-found-out-that-Jimmy Jr.-married-Tammy-and-this-shouldn't-hurt-but-it-does-and-I-saw-him-the-other-day-and-he-was-gorgeous-now-it-feels-like-it-did-when-I-was-in-high-school-and-I-feel-even-worse-because-I-feel-like-this.."I managed with one breath until mom cut me off.

"Shh shh baby, it's not a big deal though right? Because now he's locked down and he can't hurt you by leading you on again, right?"

I groaned. It was a long groan to the point my father came walking out of the kitchen with his cup of coffee and lazy pants. "I hate when she does that." 

"Oh come on Bobby, he pooped on her heart for 7 years. I don't blame her for feeling this way. It probably came as surprise, considering how mouthy that Tammy is."

"Yeah, but why does she have to make that noise." I continued to groan. "I'm leaving. You good to deal with this Lin?" My dad said as he walked into their bedroom.

My life was not going to plan, and that was starting to sink in. I knew I didn't have deep feelings for Jimmy Jr anymore, though that butt can really pull a girl in. I felt defeated. I didn't get the boy, the degree, and I am not exactly working the most glamorous job. I always figured by this point in my life I would be more accomplished, maybe in a long term relationship with someone.

As I sat there self loathing, my mom let me know she needed to go down to the restaurant to relieve Louise. She patted me on the forehead, as I laid there. As I heard her leave, a few minutes later, I heard the front door open again.

"Tina?" I heard Louise say.

I groaned. She walked up the stairs, but I heard someone with her, so I sat up. I looked over to the stairs where I saw her and Zeke standing.

"Louise. Zeke.."

"We just came up to see how you're doing." Louise looked at me as I made a face. Zeke was scowling at me. I wasn't sure why, but that bothered me.

"Where is Logan, I thought he was with you guys too?" I asked.

"He had some things to think about," Louise stated. "I might have finally filled him in on what happened, because SOMEONE brought it up." She sat on the couch, plopping down. "I mean, I appreciate you bringing it up to him, but I would have liked to be the one to put him into shock."

"No wonder he was quiet and mopey at the diner."

"Yeah," Continued Louise, "But, that's not why we are here. Wanna go to Wonder Wharf and actually ride some rides? They have some new ones that probably won't kill us. You in?" 

"Why don't we go Saturday night, I have to work tonight." I looked over to Zeke. "Don't you have to work too?" He nodded.

Later in the afternoon, I had made it back to my apartment to change and open a box of new tools I had ordered. I know Teddy had suggested I wait until my first paycheck, but there were already things I needed day-to-day. I knew why Zeke was scowling at me, I just didn't know why it was still bothering me. 

I signed. Then groaned when I realized I had left the keys to my car at the diner. Shit!

I didn't have time to go get my car keys, so walking was my only option. I headed to work. At this point it was only 4 pm, so the sun hadn't set yet. This made me a little less uncomfortable. While, I love the town I am from, after dark where my apartment is, is not the best area. As I walked, I thought about Zeke. I wondered why he was so upset over Logan, what did it matter. I didn't tell him the full story, Louise did. So, why was he mad at me.

It took me longer to get to the job site then I expected, and I was on the cusp of being late.

"Nice of you to show up!" Hollered Teddy, who was holding a step stool ladder. "The Ferris Wheel is down tonight, and you and I are working on it."

"How are we supposed to go up and fix it with step-stool?" I inquired.

"The step stool isn't for the ride." 

We started walking toward the Ferris Wheel. I had forgotten what a piece of crap the thing was. When I was a kid, I used to love to ride it all the way to the top. Looking over the town, it was a beautiful sight. The nostalgia hit me pretty hard, I found myself smiling looking up at it. The amount of times people have gotten stuck on it, and the one time a capsule fell off almost killing a guy, made me wonder why Mr. F didn't just invest in a new one. I guess it was a hallmark attraction of the town. Teddy started explaining what we would be doing.

"So, as you can see the ride is moving pretty well at the moment." he motioned to the people on the ride. "But sometimes the capsules get stuck, and we have to un-stick them. I used to be able to climb up and do it but that's going to be your job tonight. Heh. " 

I looked around the Wharf as Teddy talked, while pretty quiet, was lightly packed with families and their children. Some teenagers walking around in groups. I hadn't been to this part of the park since I had gotten home.

"Tina, are you listening to me? To unstick it you HAVE to climb to the capsule and rock it loose." He coughed. "Then you have to climb down carefully, until you get to the ladder. Don't fall. HAHA!"

I was half listening. "Yeah, yeah, I got it Teddy."

"It's all you tonight then Tina, go over to where the operator is and wait." Teddy walked away waving at me. I gave him a slight wave back. I walked over to the operators box and introduced myself to the less than enthusiastic carnie. I put my tools out of sight, feeling foolish having brought the box, considering what I was tasked with tonight. 

"Aye, maintenance girl. Got one for you." I looked over to the carnie pointing up at a stuck capsule. 

Alright, Tina. You can do this.

The night was pretty slow. I only had to fix 5 capsules, and all of them were pretty low to the ground, so climbing the wheel wasn't as scary as I anticipated. I did miss the ladder once and ended up falling a short way to the ground. I think some teenager had videoed the whole thing on his cell phone. Whoopie for me. The rides closed down at about 11, and Teddy walked over to me with a cup of coffee.

"You want to go to the office and relax a minute before you head home? You did good today kiddo. You made your fake-uncle proud." I said sure and I followed him to the office with my tools. My back was killing me, and I was exhausted. I just wanted to sit down. The office was basically a trailer with an air conditioning unit off the side. 

We got to the office and he unlocked the door for me, which also switched on the light. "Make yourself at home. I have to go wrap up a few things then I will drive you home. Don't think I will take no for an answer. I saw you fall. In fact, I think everyone saw you fall. Heh."

"Thank Teddy.." I said with a groan. He shut the door and I was alone in the room. It wasn't very big. There was a couch on one side, a table and chair on the other with a little TV set on it. I pulled the top part of my overalls off, tying the sleeves around my waist like a sweater, leaving my on torso just my tank top.

Boy my back hurts. 

I pulled up the back of my shirt as I walked towards the couch. I tried to peer at my back, by looking over my shoulder but couldn't see anything. At that moment, the door opened, and there stood a very surprised Zeke.

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