Chapter 5~ New Perpectives & Faces.

Start from the beginning

 What the fuck are you doing? Is she gay? I thought, desperate to get out of my corner. I looked like a chicken in the corner of his cage, not wanting to get his head chopped off.

"I'm not gay if that's what you're thinking. Someone stole my clothes. I'm also used to my older brother walking into my room like this," She added, in her thick accent "Do you know if there are any dressing gowns in here? She asked. There was something familiar about her accent.

"I don't think we have any- er- dressing gowns?" I said, questioning the last word, "By the way, what are dressing gowns?" I asked, rather obnoxiously. She smiled.

 "Robes, love. I think it's a bunch of codswallop that nobody here knows that word," She said, rather defensively. I got lost again when she said codswallop.

"Why are you talking in such a different accent? What's with all the fancy-schmancy words?" I asked rather cheekily.

"Love, I'm from Great Britain. I used to live in this area named Dover. It's quite lovely." She replied casually, with a cheeky grin on her face. Now I recongize her accent! I thought.

 "Rover, Dover, what's the difference?" I muttered under my breath, low enough for Rydar to miss. She held out her hand. I paused for a moment, but then I shook it.

  From that day forward, we were insperable. Eden loved Rydar from the minute I walked out, and introduced the two together.

~Present Day~

  I pushed myself off my bed, and I walked to my vanity. I stared at the picture on the desktop. It was a picture of my sister and I, when I was four and she was seven. We looked so happy, yet somehow, pissed off at each other. I laughed out loud to myself.

  I walked out of my room, and I stopped in front of my sister's room. I had only been in there so many times, I forgot what it looked inside now. I wondered, if my parents even touched anything in here? Curiosity taking over, I walked inside her room.

 I was surprised to see that there wasn't any dust in here. Another thing, was that my parents never touched a thing in here.

I walked around, stroking the hard mahogany desk my sister loved. Same bright yellow walls, same everything. I opened the first drawer of her desk. There was all sorts of miscellaneous crap in there.

 I laughed when I pulled a miniature bra, that said 'I ditto, why not go bigger?' God, my sister had some dirty minded friends.

I dug around a little more, in the overstuffed drawer. I found a red envelope, that had some stains- that looked like dried blood?

Curiosity can be a sin.


(Rydar's P.O.V.)

I honestly couldn't wait until the concert. Eden, Stormie, and I would be crashing in Chicago for about a month. I had my reasons other than just being a major "Directioner". For starters, Tanner was driving me insane. I wanted to spend some time with my best friends before we parted our own ways for college. I think my school is slowly trying to kill me.

I made sure my bedroom door and window was locked. Tanner, whenever I locked either one, tried to get in my room that way. Yes, he uses a ladder to try to get through the window located in my second story room. If I locked them both, then he would stand no chance to get in. I grinned slyly to myself.

Tanner, my dear older homosexual brother, is way more obsessed with One Direction than I am. He envies me quite a lot for going to the concert. That's why he's been driving me insane, constantly going in my room, following wherever, just to nag me about the boyband.

I went off to take a shower, lucky that it was attached to my bedroom. When I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. My long hair, glossy raven black, my green eyes, my pale alabaster skin. I inherited my father's physical looks. But I look more like my mom. It's never really made any sense.

I pulled on some white shorts and a random t-shirt, and reluctantly walked out of my room. Surprisingly, Tanner wasn't waiting to pounce on me. I walked downstairs to only face my mother. Her mascara was streaked across her fair face.

"Mum? Have- have you been crying?" I asked worriedly, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Maybe, but sweetheart, don't worry about me. Tanner's just called, and he said he's found a new lad to bring home," She said, her brown eyes frowning in distaste. I bit my lip, realizing how dirty that sounded.

"Mum, the way how you said it, sounded like as if Tanner found someone to bang with!" I said, not being able to suppress my laughter. Mum raised her eyebrows, and then laughed.

"Oh dear, make sure we do keep that from your brother!" She replied, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Then the front door opened, with a very smug Tanner walking through, with a girl?

"Ladies, I'd like for you to meet my new mate, Andrea, or as she prefers, Andi. She's new at work." Tanner said brightly. Andi stepped forward, shyly. She had chin-length flaming red hair, that gave the impression of flames.

"Good afternoon, I'm Andi." She murmured, sticking a hand forward.

 Something told me that there wasn't something right about this set-up.

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