Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

When Steve started to rule the Hydra, everything changed, but of course at first he wasn't that good at leading. Bucky was assigned to assist Steve, they did good together, they were a team, an indestructible team. But as their bonds started to grow, they felt a little different at each other, they felt weird. Steve didn't want to believe that it's love, because the only person he loved the most is Tony, only Tony, but why did he felt different with Bucky? He was starting to get annoyed whenever he's with him, he had to do something.

After work, he would treat Bucky, they would go out for a walk or go out for a date, every workers knew there was something between them. Some of the workers even complain that they hear slight moans every night, well the answer is already obvious, it was Bucky and Steve. "Ah! F..Fuck, Steve." the metal armed said in between his moans, Steve came inside him, since they were both bummed after work, they needed to do this after a while. " you Steve." Bucky kissed his cheeks, but the soldier felt bad, he doesn't seem to understand why. Is he just using Bucky for pleasure?

Well, guess what? Heck he's just literally using him. He was basically doing this because he couldn't wait for Tony. Steve was always stressed whenever he's thinking about the playboy, he just wanted him now so he's using Bucky as his play toy for Tony. Although he felt very disgusting, he knew this will all end soon when he finds Tony, but he's also worried that he might hurt Bucky. Still, nothing can beat his love for Tony, so he didn't care about Bucky's feelings, he'll be fine.

Soon, Steve finally found what he's looking for! He finally tracked the love of his life, he has been waiting for months just to see Tony. The soldier was very excited, but he needed time to think, he needed patience so that he wouldn't harm both Tony and Bucky. This is his choice, he just needs to choose the right one..That's when he decided, he needed to talk to Bucky about this. He then proceeded to Bucky's room, slowly, his heart beating fast at every step he did, he was nervous and a bit scared of what will happen. He placed his hands on the doorknob and opened it slowly, "Bucky..?"

After he opened the door, he saw a helpless Bucky sitting on the floor. "Bucky..! Are you ok?" the soldier immediately approached him, but then he notices the other man was crying. "Why are you..crying?" Steve asked, " finally found..what you're looking for." the metal armed looked at him, "Right?" he smiled with tears falling down on his face. He wanted to let go of Steve even if it hurts a lot, the soldier only nodded and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry." Steve apologized, but Bucky only hugged him back as a sign of letting him go.

Until now, both of them didn't ever want to talk of what happend that day, it's like they pretended that it didn't happen at all. It was their little secret, and they surely won't tell that to Tony. They both agreed to move on, but it seems like the other one still hasn't, although it was very hard for Bucky, he tried his best to change. Even though Steve could tell that his jealous sometimes, he would just ignore it and tease Bucky for him to cheer up. Of course he still loves Bucky, but only as a good friend.

(-End of Flashback-)

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