Double Child Trouble (Ep: Gone Gustav Gone)

Comenzar desde el principio

"I'll take that," Fishlegs said.

"No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword," Hiccup added.

"It's the Dragon Eye, and it's very old and very fragile," Fishlegs told him.

"Whoa, these spots, they're not going away. Ow!" He yelped, crashing into one of Toothless' tails.

"It isn't something to just be touched." 

"Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing. Ow!" He walked into the wall again and all of the tails came crashing down. Fanghook placed one on Toothless' head, trying to be helpful. Toothless growled angrily.

"Gustav, we're this way," Asta said, finally speaking up.

"Gustav, Gustav, over here. Uh, when are you leaving?" Snotlout asked, gripping his helmet.

"That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. We're moving here." You were all shocked by this and Tuffnut started laughing.

"Haha! Yeah, yeah, you are." He said, slapping his sister on the arm. "Imagine...he would never..." He paused. "Wait, he's serious? I'll get the stake and firewood." He said.

"Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake."

"Hiccup's right. Let's just throw them off the cliff!" Ruff said.

"Guys, I'm sure there's a simple explanation. Please tell me there's a simple explanation, Gustav." Hiccup said.

"Yeah, very simple. By the way, do not look right into that sun sword thing. Haha! Whoo! Anyway, you said when I was ready, I could join the Dragon Riders. Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join with Asta! After all, she's just as good as me! Where are our huts?" Hiccup looked very uncomfortable about this and you quickly got an idea.

"Well, we were so focused on getting our own things ready, that we hadn't even thought about that. Our faults, sorry you two. Here, how about we go flying for a bit so you can have a look around instead?" You offered. They both smiled.

"Alright!" Gustav cheered.

"That sounds fun!" Asta agreed. You whistled and in came Nightshade. They got on their dragons and you yanked Hiccup aside.

"You owe me for this." You grumbled before heading over to Nightshade and mounting her. 

"After you, (Y/n)," Gustav said and you sighed before taking off with the two of them following behind you.

Hiccup's POV

I sighed as they all left. Asta was okay so I didn't mind her being here. She didn't cause much trouble, but she wasn't the best and didn't help keep Gustav out of trouble. She followed him around because she liked him for Thor knows what reason. Then again...(Y/n) was my friend before I had gotten out of my 'worst Viking ever' stage. Maybe it was the same way with Gustav and Asta. 

" are we going to get rid of them?" Fishlegs asked.

"I could club Gustav while Ruff distracts Asta." Tuff offered.

"Nobody is getting clubbed! I'll figure it out. For now, all of you should just go back to what you were doing. Arrow, can you stay? I need to talk to you." 

"Yeah, sure." He sighed, still not thrilled about the two of them being here. The others left and I turned to Arrow.

"I need you to watch either Gustav or Asta when (Y/n) gets back with them."

"Why do I have to watch them!?" 

"I would do it with (Y/n), but I'm making some...just major breakthroughs with the Dragon Eye."

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