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       After some weeks Hindu and Ameer where watching a movie on Netflix while they were feeding each other ice cream. Then his phone started to ring. "Babe pass me my phone. He said She passed him the phone and it was ummah.
"Asalamu aliykum ummah in wuni" he said
"Come home now I have something important to discuss with you." She said with out replying to his salama.
"Is everything alright umma" he asked confused
"Yes just come right now" she said and  ended the call.

"Is everything okay?" Hindu asked getting worried.
"Yeah everything is fine ummah said she wants to see me immediately.
"Ohh okayy I hope all is well dai" she said

After a short drive to ummah's place he reached he entered with an asalamu aliykum. The house was quiet and yesmin was in school and Abbah was not at home only ummah was home. He went up to her room and said Salam .

"Come and sit down my son" she said
He sat down and they exchanged greetings.

"So I called you to tell you that Maryam is moving to your house."
She said

"But why can't see stay here ummah. Don't you think it's some how to have another woman staying in our house just a few months after marriage. Even though my wife won't complain I know she won't be comfortable please ummah rethink." He said

"Is maryam another woman? Maryam is your cousin she's your blood. And what's my business if your wife is not comfortable. So because of your wife you will now abandon a family member? Or will you disobey me because of your wife?"
Ummah said

"No ummah I'm not going to disobey you. She can come and stay. He sighed

"I wasn't asking for your permission I was tell you. I know she can stay already. You can go she's coming later in the evening." She said
He stood up without a word and left the house .
When he got home he met Hindu in the kitchen cooking.

"Welcome dear how is everything one at home doing she said when she saw him.

"They are all fine" he said
She noticed he was in a bad mood and asked
"Why is your face like that did something bad happen? She asked
"Yeah ummah said Maryam will be living with us for some reasons she's coming in the evening."he said
"Oohhh okay. I should make dinner with her kenan" She said
"Hindu I'm sorry ummah is making her come I know we won't be comfortable with her here.
"It's okay we can make dis work okay." She said
He sighed and dragged her to his chest and hugged her tightly and said
"I love you so much Hindu don't ever leave me please" he said while inhaling her sent.
"I love you more and I won't leave inshAllah."

He leaned in and started to kiss her before you know it he carried her making her wrap her legs arround his  waist and the sat her on top the counter. Just as the makeout session was getting heated they persived   something burning and they quickly separated. Just then someone knocked on the door
"I'll get it" Ameer said and walked to the door while Hindu fixed herself. When he opened the door he saw maryam.
"Hello Ameer" she said in a seductive voice
"hey ya kike shigo" he said with a forced smile
She cat walked into the house purposly shaking her behind for him to see.
"Maryam sannu da zuwa let me show you your room " Hindu said

"Ina wuni aunty hindatu" she greeted
Hindu was happy atleast she is nice this might work out she said in her mind.
"Make yourself at home zan fita in dawo sai angima" he said and went out.
Muje let me show you your room. Hindu said slightly touching her

"Don't you ever touch me again" I'm not your mate okay. I came to take what's mine. Ameer doesn't deserve to be a low class girl like you. A girl found on a street. A bastard like y"..... Before she could finish she received a slap from hindu. Just then Ameer opened the door and Maryam shouted . She threw her bag on the floor and started to cry holding her cheeks.

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