chapter 8

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Hindu's POV
    I was in my room reciting the holy Quran when aunty Rabi came in."Asalamu Alikum" she said as she entered "walikumul salam aunty Rabi" I answered I noticed she looked worried. "Anty raby is everything alright" I asked closing my Quran and sat close to her "Hindatu I will be going to the hospital today for my cheack up" she said when I touched her she had fever her body was very hot and I became worried. "Inalilahi Anty rabi what is wrong with you let me bring my hijab let's go to the hospital". I carried my hijab and I went to her room to bring hers b4 I came back I saw her on the floor vomiting blood. Before I knew it I started to cry. I brought water and cleaned her up. She told me to calm down she has being having this kind of sickness for a while now. I insisted we go for test to know what was wrong with her.

At the hospital she was inside and I was at the waiting room after some time the doctor came out.
" doctor please what's wrong with her" I asked
" why didn't you bring her to the hospital earlier she has kidney disease and she has being staying at home" he said
"Inalilahi wa inailaihi rajiun "tears started flowing from my eyes again

"Her case can be cured had it being you took any longer to bring her it would have being impossible to cure her and she might need transplant but Alhamdulilah it has not reached that stage I prescribed some drugs and injections for her make sure you bring her for check up ever week okay" he said. "okay doctor thank you for every thing can I see her now?" I asked "yes go ahead may Allah grant her shifa."

Writer s POV
    " Hello sir I'm happy to inform you that the contact was successful.
"Alhamdulilah I'm very proud Alhaji Isa you really proved your self."
"Thank you sir I told you. You won't regret it. " okay bye

Alhaji isa kept his phone and smiled to him self. "That fool he will never see me or the money again". He said smiling . "Keep thinking the contract was successful not knowing I cancelled everything. Im rich" he said and let out an evil laugh.

Hello another update
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Hindu🌹(Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن