Part 16: I'm begging you.

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Kongpob was very happy that finally Arthit forgave him again. He put his head on Arthit's hand as he heart felt relief now.

" But you have to promise me one thing."

" Khab P'Arthit." Kongpob looked up at Arthit waiting to listen what he want to say.

" If something like this happened again I and Minnie will leave you and you have no right to stop me."

" Yes I promise you."

Kongpob answered without hesitation because he also promised himself that he will never let something like this happened to both his beloved again.


Minnie just arrived with doctor Beam but his cellphone suddenly rang so he open the door for her and tell her that he will come later.

Minnie nodded her head and walked into the room, she saw her mommy already has woken up. She ran to him immediately. She held his hand with asked him with her worryingly.

" Mommy... Are you alright?"

Kongpob carried Minnie and placed her on the bed. She gave him a kiss on cheek and hurriedly hugged her mommy.

" It's okay baby. Don't worry about mommy."

Arthit told her while his hand stroking her hair gently.

" What about you? Do you hurt?"

Minnie shook her head on Arthit's embrace.

" Minnie is Okay but mommy is surely okay?"

" Yes baby."

Arthit laugh as he pinched this cute and bubbly baby.

" Where was my baby going?"

" Minnie just went to eat ice cream with uncle Beam."

" Oh! Where is uncle Beam." Arthit asked as he tried to find doctor Beam but he didn't see him in the room.

" Uncle Beam was busy to talk phone with someone. He will come in after that."

Kongpob chuckled as he listened to his baby talking nonstop with her mommy.


At the night when Arthit and Minnie already sleep, Kongpob was sitting on the sofa alone as he didn't feel sleepy. He picked up his phone and found out that there are 3 missed calls from his mother. When he wants to put his phone on the nightstand table, it was ringing again. Kongpob rolled his eyes and pick up a phone.

" Sawandee Khrap Mom !"

" Kong, why didn't you pick up my phone? I have called you since evening."

" I'm busy. What do you want to talk with me?"

" I heard that you are going to sue niece Khaofang and you also cancel all agreements with her father company. What happened son?"

Kongpob sighed with his boring: " How do you know?"

" Don't do that." Mrs. Suthilak's voice was very tough. " Khaofang's family has been friends with us for many years, you should save their face. Stop it right away. Mom beg you son!"

" Sorry mom I can't."

" Kong! Why do you want to do like this? What happened?"

" What she has done is not easy to forgive. I can't obey your word. So don't involve yourself with this matter."

" Kong, What happened with you?"


" Just don't be silent. I knew you don't want to talk with mom but this time please listen to mom for once. I know that it's too late... I know that I hurt you but Son everything I did because mom love you."

Mrs. Suthilak feared that he might not believe her so she continued: " I already apologized to Khaofang's father as I got my word back from from what we agreed. I stop forcing you to do what you don't like anymore. I just don't want to affect the relationship between our families. So don't sue her."

" I can't, sorry mom. If you don't have anything important, i will take off.

Mrs. Suthilak felt her heart ache as her younger son never want to talk to her. Since the day he found out that she was lied to him about her health, he never talked to her no matter how hard she tried to talk with him. She felt like her son make a distance from her. Even now she stopped forcing him to be with the person she has choose for him but he still couldn't forgive her for her past mistake. For Khaofang cause, she ever made a decision to pair them up but after her son refused her, she already apologized to Khaofang's family but because of their closer she cannot let them lose their face so she just let their news disappear by little and little itself. She understood that her son would never accept other woman beside that someone. It was regretful that she made her son become like this.

Today without knowing anything, Khaofang's father went to their house and begging her to help talking with Kongpob.

" Son, at the last could you understand mom little bit?"

" You asked me to understand you but you ever want to understand me. This girl hurt my beloved person and daughter. I can't forgive her."

" What? Daughter? When did you have daughter? Why don't you tell me?"

" Tomorrow is daddy's birthday right? I will bring her to join the party. Just wait and see."


To be continued

Writer: After I created the problem, I don't know how to resolve it. I feel so stress as I don't know what I should continue. 😪😪 I feel like I'm really lack of experience to write story but I will try my best..... Thank you to all reader that always read vote and share your opinion. Love you guy 😘😘


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