Aegon and his Ghost

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Ten years have passed since the horrible event happened in King's Landing, most of the continent changed, the rational and the politcs of Westeros became in some sort of way liberating and most of its common people liked that way because they felt like they had won a war, most of them but not one of them.
Atop the Wall sat Jon Snow, born as Aegon Targaryen with his direwolf, the man who was supposed to save the one person from madness and failed because he couldn't accept something that it was his by rights.
He sat there watching over the Free Folk and and his brothers of the Night's Watch. He was alone with Ghost and in his own thoughts so that no one, not even Tormund can see his sorrow and his guilt over things that happened in King's Landing.

"Ghost" Jon finnaly talked, but only to his direwolf companion. "I am glad that you are still by my side... that you don't hate me how I treated you before I left to King's Landing." Clearl he recalls their parting from Winterfell. "But you shouldn't be with me, not because what I did but because who I realy am." Ghost as usual doesn't care about his speech and did not mind of Jon being a Targaryen, why should he, he is just an animal just like a dragon with the only difference being is that he was more lovable than dragon, just every other wolf.

At the main gate Tyrion showed up. He was clearly looking around to find Jon at the castle with no luck and a brother greeted his presence.
"Welcome my Lord Hand, what can we do for you and the King ?" the brother asked.
"Nothing important, I came here to visit an old friend of mine and have some talk with him." Tyrion nodded.
"He atop the Wall watching how some villages are built by both our brothers and the Free Folk." The brother answerd with a kind smile.

Tyrion entered the lift and went up the Wall to meet with Jon and take a piss atop off it like the last time he did when he visited it. He saw Jon with his direwolf overlooking the progress.
"The Last Targaryen." Tyrion started with a smile.
"The Last Lion." Jon turned to greet his friend some bitternes. "It still feels strange to me being a Targaryen, my Lord."
"Sometimes life is irregular to some us. How is it going ?" Tyrion asked.
"New villages have been made, no one his hungry and the Night's Watch is manned by builders without any lust." Jon answered.
"And ?" Tyrion was suspicious.
"And what ?" Jon was surprised.
"I was asking about your life, if you have a family now, if you started to move on ?" Tyrion wanted to know and he immediatly saw Jon's sorrow. He kind of understood his pain but still that man deserved better, a better life and not this what.
"I swore an oath" Jon answered slowly "to her" his tears fel down "that shal never love again or look for someone else." His words were hard to speak, he clearly couldn't move on, he was just broken.
Tyrion noticed that he was talking about Daenerys, he also wished that she is alive now but he also understood that she became the very threat she wanted to destroy. "Don't be hard on yourself, she isn't the only one who succumbed to her darkest emotions." Tyrion explained. "What we all did isn't your fault and you know it yourself."
"Somehow it is." Jon was weeping in sorrow even if he tries all his best not to show it. "Somehow I feel like there is a part of me that wants to die by dragonfire."
While Jon was talking Tyrion handed him a letter from the King. Jon started to read and tried to smile a bit and Tyrion nodded. "You have been pardoned for the assasination and you have been recognized as a Targaryen by both the Westerosi Lords and the Unsullied, you are now free to take a wife and father children named Targaryen as yourself, you can take Dragonstone as your seat and since our King has decided to reduce his and his future succesors's reign from a lifetime to maximum of 10 years he would need someone to replace him, of course The Queen in the North has also agreed that you and your children be her heirs to the Northern Crown."
Jon was a little bit shocked when he heard that everyone wants him to return to life and shook his.
"I can't." Jon frowned.

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