To make matters worst, when he got home he was covered in hickies, he thought I was only referring to the one on his neck but what he didn't know was that those on his chest were visible because he left a few buttons undone. His bitch of a girlfriend must be a damn mosquito, she was practcally sucking his blood. I never even knew he liked those things, he never gave me one, but that could be because I gave him a few rules of my own before our first actual intimate encounter but he was basically showing me that I am just an ornament to him. I had to up my game, he was asking for it.

The least he could have done about my speculations was prove me wrong, but he didn't even come up with a good lie. He called me paranoid. I blew a fuse at that. I would've thrown my phone if it wasn't brand new but I really wanted to hurt him. Which was why I threw the next best thing. A Vase. Am I wrong for that? He hurt me! I was just returning the favor.

He disappeared for a whole week and that was enough time for me to pull up my socks. I called his parents and my dad that same day and his mom came over comforting me and everything, I threw in a little 'i'm a pitiful pregnant woman' act and had her signing the contract in no time. Leon's dad never really seemed to like me and I get know why. It's actually a bit weird but I never questioned it, it never bothered me. Once I have his mom's support, she would be able to convince him for me. I guess he only went along with our engagement to make Leon happy, that's cute.

I was feeling extremely excited and wanted to share the good news of our engagement with Leon but since he was still avoiding me I decided to call him, only to have his bitch of a girlfriend answer the phone. I was instantly mad. He spends more time with her than he does in his own house. Every tick of the clock he was with her. He was basically suffocating her. How can she even tolerate all of that cringy clingyness? But to each her own.

I could've heard the devastation in Leon's voice when I told him that our engagement would be announced at his mom's charity ball and we were set to wed in two months. If I didn't know any better I would think he was actually in-love with his little girlfriend. And if he really was in-love with her, then I guess I would have to rectify the situation.

Which brings us back to the point. You really wanna know why I raped Leon? Well you see, I can feel Leon slipping more and more away from my grasp, I worked hard to get him to where I have him and there was no way I was gonna allow some wannabe to take him from me so I concocted a plan that would definitely keep him by my side. You see, Leon is a family man, he loves his family and would just about anything for them. So why not give him what he truly wants? A family of his own. I'm smart aren't I? I don't want kids, however, I want money and if a kid is the only way I can get this money, then so be it. Plus, after the wedding I could always abort it and tell him I had a miscarriage. What he doesn't know won't hurt him right?

My phone rang bringing me from my thoughts and I saw it was Rick, my private investigator calling. I hope he has good news or I am gonna have his head.

"Talk to me" I answered.

"I have the information you requested"

"I'm listening" I told him stirring my glass of red wine in my hand. I had spent the whole day with my dad and was now back at home on the living room couch enjoying some wine. I knew his pussy ass wouldn't be at home, probably somewhere hiding. That's what he always does, run whenever there was a problem. I still can't believe he cried while I was having sex with him. Who does that? He must be some kind of pussy whipped.

"Her name is Victoria Lockhart, Age 28, She attended North-Shore High, it seem as though they were classmates, She now works as his personal assistant. I emailed you the photos, you can check them out. Let me know if you need any more information."

"Good bye" I said through clenched teeth. I threw the wine glass at the wall and watched it shatter to tiny pieces. 'The one that got away eh?'

I grabbed my tablet and began searching through my emails when I saw the email from Rick. There was a large amount of photos which means, Leon is not being discreet at all. I clicked through the first one and saw it was one of them both locked in a tight embrace outside of her house. The grin on his face was the biggest one I've ever seen. I scrolled through some others and saw one of her and another young lady dressed all thotish, it looks like they were headed to a club. Another was of her dancing with another guy. My word, she is basically damaging their relationship or what ever it is by herself, I did't even need to get involved.

However the picture I saw after that one made me freeze. It was a photo of Leon attacking the guy she was dancing with, Leon never fights. He always avoids confusion, this is strange. Another picture shows of him being arrested outside the club. I didn't even know he was arrested. So this is what he has been up to. He goes around this Victoria girl for two seconds and he is now being arrested. My job is too easy. He is bound to get fed up of her all on his own.

I scrolled some more and saw Mark, his best friend at the Police station looking as if he was panicking. Another photo shows when his bitch came with her friend who seems to be Mark's girlfriend? I never knew Mark was the type to commit. I guess I really didn't know them after all. A few more photos show Leon getting released and kissing that girl like his life depended on it. I rolled my eyes until I spot a person in the background that looked familiar. Is that Leon's dad? So he knows about Leon cheating huh? Explains a lot. I couldn't look at these photos anymore.

I was about to put my tablet back down when a photo of Victoria and Keith caught my eye. So she likes playing the field eh? This was just too easy. The photos show her and Keith on a lunch date at a burger joint. They actually look like a great couple. Too bad she is cheating on him. Keith has always been the weak link in the group. He was like the odd one. He was the worst liar and had too much respect for women. I'm not even sure I ever saw him dating before, I even thought he was gay, but now that I look at these photos I can see a certain chocolate lady has captured his eyes. I grinned and put the tablet aside. I grabbed the wine and drank from the bottle. "Sweet" I said and chuckled darkly.



Dum Dum Duuuuummm!!!!!

What do you guys think Amber is up to now she knows who Leon's girlfriend is?

It's Always Been You {18+} COMPLETED  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now