First Kiss (Preference)

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Kevin: It's soft and quick. At least, you thought it was over too quickly. He leans in for another outside of the door to your apartment, and you gladly accept it. You can feel his mouth smiling against yours, which only makes you smile, too.

Joe: "So, Friday night, it's a date?" He's known you for awhile, but he only just worked up the nerve to ask you out. "Sure," you reply, "see you then." He grins and kisses you. "Sorry, I've just wanted to do that for a really long time!" he says breathlessly. "I couldn't wait another three whole days."

Nick: Technically, your first kiss with him was on the set of the movie that you two were working on. You thought you had felt something more than movie magic, but brushed it off. It wasn't until your second date that he actually kissed you, with much more passion than he ever had on set. "Yep, I was right. It was even better when we weren't in character," he breathed.

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