Belleza Two - Chapter Eleven

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A loud thump made Oscar freeze. He shut the front door slowly, reaching for the gun in his pocket. Then he slowly made his way toward the noise.

"What are you doing?"

He jumped, turning abruptly and lifted his gun. Then he sighed, pointing it down at the ground, "you can't scare me like that, pendeja."

Nani rolled her eyes, stepping toward him. "I'm doing laundry, cause it looks like you don't know how to do it yourself."

"So that's why you're in my house?" He set the gun on the dining table, "could you have warned me? Would if I had shot you? You know I'm capable of reading text messages right?"

"Then I would be dead. No i didn't know, cause when we were together you seemed to lack that capability to 'read a text message.'"She shrugged, hiking the laundry basket up on her hip. "Also, your closet is a damn mess."

"Nobody gots you going through my shit."

"And porn magazines? What are you fifty?"

He chuckled, licking his lips. "Those ain't mine."

Nani hummed, raising her eyebrows momentarily as she walked pass him. "Come say hi to your daughter."

"My daughter?" She nodded, walking down the hallway without another word. Slowly, he followed her with his eyebrows pulled together. But then he heard her laugh. That beautiful laugh. His baby girls laugh. That's when his heart began to glow and he stepped into the room. "Adeya." He spoke softly, his eyes goes soft.

Nani gave a tight-lipped grin as she began to fold clothes, her eyes only flicking up to watch him grab their daughter. "Deya, remember him?"

Adeya curiously tugged at his chain, her big brown eyes slowly making their way to his. They met, and he smiled. "Hi baby girl."

"Hi daddy." She blushed, leaning into his chest.

"Daddy?" He turned his body to face Nani, who was separating their clothes. "How does she know?"

"I didn't let her forget." Was all she said, not making eye contact. When he turned back around, was when she looked up to see if his reaction was genuine or not.

Adeya began to struggle around in his arms, wanting to get down. He let her down onto her feet and she took off running to what was once her room. Her toys and everything was the way it was left. The drawers had stayed open the way he found them the night they left.

"So is there a good reason you're doing laundry in my house?" He sat on the couch next to the laundry basket, the warm, fresh smell of washed and dried clothes filled his nostrils. "Not that I'm complaining."

"You said you wanted a chance." She looked over at him, shrugging. "Also, Joshua doesn't have a dryer and I'm still mad at Kai."

"How can you be mad at her but not mad at me?" He began to spark the blunt he had stored behind his ear, but when Adeya ran pass him and toward the kitchen he remembered he couldn't do that around her, and put it out on the ashtray next to him.

"Oh I'm definitely mad at you." She scoffed, "but I expected more out of her."

"Ah okay." He nodded, "fair enough."

"No offense but honestly I'm kind of disappointed she even liked you." She began to pack the folded clothes into the laundry basket so it was easier to move it all when she had to put it away. "She could do better."

"And you?" He licked his lips as she came over to him, a smile appearing on his lips. "You can't get enough of me."

"I can't stand you, Oscar." She laughed while-heartedly, shaking her head.

"So sit down." He smirked, wrapping his two hands around her to grip her ass, then pulled her onto him. She straddled him, and he looked up at her with the same smirk on his face. "You miss me?"

"No." Was all she said, but their eye contact never broke.

"No, mama?"

Nani shook her head again, "nope."

He ran his hands from her butt up her back, running them up and down on her sides. "I don't know if I believe that."

"I don't care if you do."

"I know." One of his large hands made its way to the back of her neck, "why does that turn me on?"

"You'd get horny for a donut as long as it was pink."

He allowed a soft chuckle to escape his lips but his breath had already grew heavy. "I like brown too, baby."

His hand began tugging the back of her hair, he knew that was the way to get her going. A soft moan escaped her lips, but she composed herself as Adeya ran pass them and back into her room.

"You miss me, mama?"

She shook her head softly again, making eye contact with him again. "No."

He stared at her for a second before removing his hand from the back of her head, nodding. "Okay." He licked his bottom lip, "I believe you."

"I think what you did with my sister was fucked up." She stated, "I've forgiven you for a lot, Oscar. But, I don't know how to forgive you for fucking my sister."

He huffed, frustrated. His hands went up to his head and he ran them down his face to further portray he was annoyed. "I didn't fuck your sister, Nani."

"Maybe you didn't." She shrugged, "but it's the fact that you'd sit there and want me to believe you did."

"It was the only way I could stay close to you." He admitted, "I may have played boyfriend, gave her a kiss and bought her a fucking ice cream, but I did it cause I wanted to know how the fuck my family was doing."

"You could've called, Oscar!" She got off of him, noticing Adeya peaking around the corner with tears in her eyes. "You could've fucking texted."

She began to walk around the couch and he reached for her arm, kissing his teeth when she pulled away. "Fuck." He mumbled, it was going so good.

Belleza Two | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now