Belleza Two - Chapter Three

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"Why is my daughter wearing a belly shirt?"

Nani laughed. "A belly shirt?"

Oscar nodded, squinting his eyes in disapproval. "Her belly is all out, she's gonna get cold."

"We'll put a jacket on her if it gets cold. Alex is gonna be Stitch." Nani set her down on the last step, sitting her next to the candy bowl.

"Alex?" Oscar picked her up from the dirty concrete with another disapproving face to sit her in his lap.

"Malu's son." She rolled her eyes, turning to him for a quick second. "Hey baby?"

Oscar looked up at his girl, licking his lips at her costume. "Oh yeah, he has one of those huh?" She laughed, sitting down next to him.He leaned his head onto hers, exhaling a content sigh. back in the day, no kid would come to his house for candy. He was known as the big scary cholo who killed the Prophet. The night passed slowly, the occasional kid stopping by.

Ruby and Monse had stopped by and now they were hanging around, helping them give away candy to the larger groups.

"I think we're gonna head home." Malu said, grabbing Alex from Kayla as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Te veo después." He leaned down, kissing his sisters cheek. Without anybody noticing, he winked at Monse, who blushed.

Oscar stood up, handing Adeya to Nani. "Malu let me holla at you for a second." Malu furrowed his eyebrows, but handed Alex to Kayla anyways and began walking with Oscar toward his car. He stuck his hands in his pockets before he spoke. "I'm running for the Santos."

"You're what?"

"I'm coming back." Oscar said, "and I need you to tell me what's going on."

Malu was at a loss for words, when he found them he gaped, confused. "You're coming back?"

Oscar nodded, "yeah, that's what I said."

"Um," Malu began, clearing his throat. "There's this guy,"

"What about him?" He stepped closer, nodding once at him.

"Carlos. He joined like six months ago. He out there saying he took your spot."

"Carlos?" Oscar laughed, "you're joking huh?"

Malu shook his head softly, balancing on his toes awkwardly. "No."

Oscar began to whole-heartedly laughed, "that's funny. Text me his information." Malu nodded shortly before walking towards his own car to help Kayla put their son in the car seat. "Amor." He grabbed the bowl of candy from the steps, bringing it inside.

"Mande bebe?" Nani replied from the bedroom.

He shut the door, locking it behind him. "Your friend: Carlos." He set the bowl on the dining table, walking towards the room. "He doesn't happen to be a Santo?"

Nani shrugged, she was changing Adeya out of her costume when he walked in. "I don't know much about him babe, I just know his ex-girlfriend was pregnant and he owns a restaurant. I met him at a doctors appointment when I was still pregnant."

"Oh so that shit was forever ago?"

She nodded, "why?"

"I don't like him."

She mocked him, rolling her eyes. "You don't know him."

"Well neither do you and you're all up on him."

Nani laughed, setting the costume in the laundry basket. "All up on him? I talked to him for two seconds."

"And you would call him for a job? Why can you rely on him so much if you talked to him for two seconds?"

She removed Adeya's socks, her eyebrows knitting together. "Are you jealous?"

Oscar shook his head, "no, why would I be jealous?" He sat down on the bed, pulling Adeya onto his chest. "I can have anybody I want."

Nani froze, raising her eyebrows. He began to laugh and she glared at him, "vez que eres bien puto."

"Ya amor." He kissed Adeya's head then laid back, putting his arm behind his head. "Just the truth."

"Okay," she nodded. "So when I don't have sex with your stupid ass for the next ten months don't ask me why."

He groaned, "no seas asi."

She ignored him, "me voy a bañar." She walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Oscar's first move was to grab her phone, so he did just that, unlocking it with his finger. He went directly to the messages, searching 'Carlos'.

The first set of messages he saw was him inviting her to a party the adress matched the one that Malu had just sent him.

He scrolled back to the address and grabbed his phone to put it down in his notes. He set her phone back down, then pretended to be asleep when she walked in. Eventually, he did fall asleep. 

The next morning, he found himself at the address that was in Nani's phone. It was only a couple of blocks away. He had no idea what he was going to say, he didn't even know what the guy looked like. Nonetheless he took slow strides towards the door, hitting it with his knuckles three times.

Seconds later, a man with curly hair opened the door. He was running his hands through his hair, trying to pull it back into a bun. "Can I help you man?"

"I'm looking for Carlos." Oscar said, "he was talking about giving my girl work at some restaurant."

Carlos laughed, "do I look like I own a restaurant man?"

Oscar didn't laugh, he kept a straight face. "Do I look like I know what someone who owns a restaurant looks like?

His laughter died down into a sarcastic smile. "I'm sure you got me confused with my pops, he's the Carlos you're looking for."

Oscar's stare increased as he brought his brows together. "So who are you then?"

He scratched the back of his head, "I'm Los."

"Los?" He chuckled.

He nodded, "short for Carlos." He opened the door wider, "Carlos Jr."

"So you're the Santo saying he took my place?" Oscar's smile mocked him.

Carlos laughed, "ah, so you're Spooky?" Oscar nodded his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you need?" Carlos grew annoyed, ready to go back to bed.

"For you to stop lying on me, cause it won't end well for you homie."

He scoffed, "you ain't even runnin' for us anymore."

Oscar stepped back, ready to turn around and walk away, he looked at him once more with a threatening stare. "I'm back."

Belleza Two | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now