Belleza Two - Chapter Nine

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Kai sat on the couch, watching Nani bounce Adeya to sleep. "Nani." She spoke softly, "I met someone."

Nani raised her eyebrow, curious. "You met someone?"

She nodded, swallowing. "And I've been seeing him for like two weeks."

"And you're just now telling me this?"

"I didn't want you to get mad." She shrugged, "sorry?"

"No—I mean, it's okay but I would have liked to know. Just to make sure you were being safe. Wouldn't want you to end up like me."

"It's not like I'm a kid." She shrugged, "I'm completely legal."

"Oh so he's older?" She laughed, "How old is he?"

"Like twenty-five I think."

"You think?" Nani sat next to her.

"I mean we don't really talk we just–"

"Okay hermanita, I've heard enough." Nani ran her hand through Adeya's curls, causing her eyes to open. She had her fathers eyes and lips, they looked so much alike it made her stomach turn. She sighed, "just be careful."

Kai nodded, "I mean he's a nice guy, and..." she looked down at her phone, "he's waiting for me right now!" She jumped over the couch, "I have to go!"

"Woah, woah." Nani stood up, "relax!"

"He's at the barbershop and he's waiting for me!" She went for the door but Nani stood in front of her.

"You can't just walk to the barbershop, the closest one is twenty minutes away."

Kai groaned, "come on! You were my age once! What if he's the man I gonna marry Nani?"

Nani laughed, "I completely doubt that." She shook her head, "but I'll take you, I have a job interview anyway."

"Really? Where?" Kai followed Nani to Joshua's room where he was knocked out cold on his bare mattress. "Where are his sheets?"

"Washing them." Nani mumbled, "Joshua wake up!" Josh lifted his head slowly, groaning. "And at this restaurant a friend of mine owns, he's been offering me the bartender job for years. Now I can finally accept." She shrugged, turning back to Joshua, "I need you to take care of Deya for a couple of hours."

He patted the space next to him, indicating he'd watch her. So she set her down and Adeya immediately cuddled into his side.

Nani shut his bedroom door behind her, nodding for Kai to follow her to the car. In the car Nani sighed, pulling out of the driveway. "Are you being responsible at least?"

"What?" Kai laughed, "responsible?"

"Using condoms pendeja."

Kai rolled her eyes, "of course, I mean.." she shrugged, mumbling, "his dick big but yeah."

Nani's eyes went wide, "what does that have to do with condoms?"

"He says it's too big for condoms."

Nani shook her head, "my ex use to say that, until I put his hand in one."

Kai laughed, "Yeah I don't know about putting my mans hand in a condom, he's a little..."

"I hate the way you drag out your sentences." Nani made a turn, ten minutes away from the barbershop.

"Peculiar? Is that a good word?"

"I don't know I've never met him." She mumbled, changing the radio station.

"He's a little tough you know, big bad cholo lookin ass." She giggled, looking out of the window, five minutes.

"Oh so he's a cholo?" Nani laughed, "damn following in your big sisters foot steps?"

Kai nodded sarcastically, winking at her, "only the best."

She made a wide turn, turning into the parking lost of the barbershop.

"This one?" Nani pointed at the sign, humming.

Kai looked down at her phone, "uh yeah, he said FreeRidge finest cutz, with a 'z'."

She parked in front of the entrance, "okay, let me know if you need me to pick you up." Kai nodded, opening the door. She was stopped by Nani before she could get out. "Please be safe hermanita, I don't know this guy but if he's a Santo—"

The glass door opened and out walked the devil himself. Nani's heart fell to the bottom of her stomach, then floated to her throat, making her feel like she was going to throw up.

"Spooky!" Kai jumped out of the car into his arms, pressing her lips onto his.

"Oh my god." Nani mumbled, "this isn't happening." She shook her head.

Oscar set his hands on either side of her face, deepening their kiss. He pulled apart when he heard the car door shut. His eyes followed the steps coming towards him, his heart jumping out of his chest in real time. "Oh hell nah."

Kai's smile began to fade when she saw Nani walking closer to her, then she was shoved away from Oscar. "My little sister Oscar?"

"Oscar?" Kai gasped, "you're Oscar?" He rubbed his lips together, his hand traveling to his face. "Nani—"

"Stay your little ass over there." Nani shoved Kai back as she tried to get close to her, pointing at her to stay.

"I didn't know she was your sister." Oscar said, "she told me her name was Kylie."

"It is Kylie!" Kai groaned, "he told me his name was Spooky! You didn't tell me he had a nickname!"

Nani cringed, huffing when Oscar spoke again. "In my defense, my name is Spooky and it ain't my fault you didn't tell her my name."

Kai steppes forward, "I swear I didn't know he was—"

Nani shoved her sister back again, "I said stay Kai."

"He didn't tell me his name was Oscar." She pointed at him with her thumb, "I swear to god I didn't know Leilani." Kai watched her sister, she was hurt. She had never seen her like that; on the verge of tears.

"Don't come home Kai." She shook her head, "find some where to stay tonight."

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