Lancelot x Reader: The Quest

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God Y/N are you okay? Did he get you? Where does it hurt?" You brushed her hands off of you and got up. You brushed dust off of your skirt and shakily nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What was that?" Tilly rolled her eyes and gestured at the knight.

"That was Lancelot." She turned to the knight. "I hope you know you almost killed the new girl!" She hissed. The knight dismounted and walked towards the two of you, taking off his helmet. He gracefully dipped into a low bow and took your hand.

"I'm terribly sorry, Lady...?" He trailed off.

"Y/N," You told him. "And it's fine. No harm done." He dropped your hand and straightened up, finally able to get a good look at you. His eyes widened momentarily. He opened his mouth and closed it, unsure of what to say. He opened his mouth again, but was interrupted by his horse neighing impatiently.

"Yes, well, it was nice to meet you, Lady Y/N," He fumbled with his helmet as he put it on. "But I must return to my hunt." He briskly walked over to his horse and climbed on. The horse reared back, and then took off, charging after the dinosaur and out of sight.

"That was odd; he's usually not like that..." Tilly mused. You turned and shrugged. She thought for a moment, before copying you. "Well, I think that's enough near-death experiences for today. Come on, I think there's some coffee in the staff room." You followed her back to the staff room, and you both sat down with your drinks.

"So, what do we do now?" You asked her. "It sounds like they just take care of themselves, huh?"

"Yeah, we're just here to make sure things don't spiral out of control."

"Ah," You took a drink of your coffee as you both sat in a comfortable silence. Suddenly, the door swung open and Lancelot strode in with a massive bone in his hands.

"Lady Y/n, Lady Tilly!" He announced, slamming the bone down on the table. "I have slain the beast known as the Triceratops, and have claimed this bone as a trophy, which I now present to thee!" You looked at Tilly, who had a bewildered look on her face. You put down your coffee awkwardly.

"Uh, thank you...?" Tilly shrugged at you, and Lancelot looked...proud?

"It was my pleasure, Lady Y/N," He kissed your hand delicately. He straightened up with a smile on his face. "I shall return!" He exclaimed proudly. He turned on his heel and left. Tilly and you sat in silence after he left, just staring at the bone. You stood up and grabbed the bone.

"I'm going to go put this back," You said to her. She was looking at you oddly. You turned and left the room to search for the Triceratops. As soon as the door closed behind you, Tilly burst out laughing.

"This is going to get interesting," She cackled.


"Whoa, whoa! Easy!" You shouted as the Triceratops cowered away from you. You held the bone out. The Triceratops perked up at the site of it, but still cowered away a little. You slowly took a step forward, still holding the bone out. The dinosaur slowly took a step closer to you, and then another. The Triceratops shifted and showed you the side the bone had been taken from. You approached it and quickly snapped the bone back into place. The Triceratops roared gratefully and nuzzled against you before turning and happily trotted away.

"Lady Y/N!" You turned to see Lancelot approaching you again. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," You said slowly. How did this guy keep finding you? The museum's huge! He seemed to relax a little, but his expression turned stern.

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