Chapter 3- The beeping stopped.

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Championship day

Scarlett's P.O.V.

   It was the day of the soccer championships and I was ready for them. Even though I had promised my family I wouldn't do sports, I was going to anyway. They can't take that away from me. I had told my parents I was going with Cameron to watch the game when really I was going to participate in it. I had called the coach secretly telling him I was ready to play, so he wouldn't suspect a thing. Now all I had to do was get out of the house in my uniform. I figured telling them it was just support, but Sawyer would see through it.
   I quickly put my hair up in 2 Dutch braids as I normally do and then slipped in my uniform.
My Hair:

(Pretend her hair is red)

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(Pretend her hair is red)

   I put on my shoes and walked down the stairs to see Sawyer there starting to walk up them.
   "Why are you wearing that?"
   "Support for the team. I am going to sit where they sit and watch." He narrowed his eyes at me and was about to say something when mom saw us.
   "Oh darling you're leaving already? Wait, why are you dressed in your uniform?"
   "Yeah I'm leaving now. The uniform is just for support. Makes me feel part of the team even if I can't play."
   "Ok sweetheart. Go on." I smiled and walked to the car Sawyer following me.
   "You're playing aren't you?" He hissed at me.
   "So what if I am?"
   "You promised no sports until the surgery."
   "Let's face it Sawyer. We will never get the money! Mom's job isn't paying enough and dad can't raise the prices enough. I won't be able to get the surgery in years!"
   "Scarlett if you play you could die!"
   "Yeah, well is rather die doing something I love, than live and not be able to do anything. I'd be sitting in a bed the rest of my life if I play it safe. Sawyer I'm willing to take a chance. The question is if you'll let me."
   "I don't want to Scarlett, but if is what you want, then I can't stop you. You have been the most independent, strongest, most fearless person around. Kick their butts out there." I smiled and got in the car and drove to the game.

Time Skip

   We were a quarter into the game and I was already panting and my chest hurt, but I pushed it aside as I got the ball and ran to the goal. I kicked the ball and scored another point. We were up 8-3 and I had scored 3 of our points. I ran back to the other side and the other team was coming. My chest was hurting bad now, and it felt as if I was running out of air. I could see Cameron watching me and I knew she could tell I was struggling but I gave her a look.
   The other team was coming fast and I could tell they were going to kick the ball in the air. I ran to block them. My head hurt like hell, and I was getting more tired by the minute. My chest was in more pain than it ever had been, but I ignored all of those thing focusing on the ball.
   It all happened in a split second. One minuet I was getting ready to block the ball while they kicked it and the next all I could see was blackness. I knew I hit the limit.

Cameron's P.O.V.

   All of a sudden the other team was kicking a ball when it hit Scarlett's head and she was on the ground. I was on the sidelines watching her, prepared to step in when it happened. I saw it, and my coach yelled her name annoyed. She wasn't moving. The crowd was getting anxious and the game had stopped. I then knew what happened.
I ran onto the field without warning. I got on my knees facing Scarlett.
   She was passed out so I checked her pulse but when I grabbed her wrist I dropped it. It was cold. Too cold. I took a closer look at her and gasped. She looked like a corpse. Her chest moved slowly. Her skin was getting paler by the minute. And her lips had a faint blue shade.
   I grabbed her wrists and felt her pulse ignoring how cold it was. Her pulse was slow and weak. Too weak and too slow. My team had gathered around me at a distance by this point and coach was making her way to me.
   "What's going on?" She asked.
   "Scarlett lies about her condition. She still has it and she reached the limit. We need to call 911." I said. I started chest compressions. I looked up and saw Carter. He looked more worried than I had ever seen him. I gave him a look to come and he ran to me.
   "Scar? Scarlett?" He asked his voice cracking. "Why is she here? She shouldn't be here. Why...?" He put his head in his hand crying.
   "Carter same here, but you have to help me." He nodded weakly and started to do chest compressions as well. Then I heard sirens. "Oh thank god." I murmured. The ambulance pulled up up and people came out with a stretcher. They loaded her on it and brought her in the vehicle.
   "We need a friend or family member to accompany her." Carter ran to the ambulance answering questions about who he was. Then they drove off.

Carter's P.O.V.

   I got in the ambulance and it started moving. The people started chest compressions and I could hear the popping cartilage. I gripped her cold hand tightly and bent my head down murmuring her name over and over. I could hear the beeping in the heart monitor and it made me worry more. It was way too slow and way too weak.
I buried my head more in my hand until I couldn't hear the popping cartilage or the beeping. I looked up. The beeping stopped. The beeping stopped. The doctors or whoever they were cursed and began doing the compression harder as I saw someone take this black thing and hook it up.
   It was a defibrillator. Suddenly the realization hit me. If the beeping stopped that meant her heart stopped. That meant she was dead. Dead. The doctors were doing chest compressions as we pulled up the hospital. Scarlett was taken in and I followed. I ran past the doctors following them until a doctor stopped me.
   "You're with the girl with arrhythmia right? You can't go with her. I'm sorry but we will help her. Follow me."
   "There's a room above the room to where they are taking her. An observation room. Technically it is only for doctors but I'll let you in." I smiled and we went to the room. I sat down and watched and they did the defibrillator and chest compression worried for Scarlett's life as if it were my own.

Ok not gonna lie I almost cried as I wrote this. I hope you are enjoying my story. Again I'll remind you: please comment any grammar or spelling mistakes and vote! See y'all soon. Bye! 😥

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