Chapter 2- Any of you know what arrhythmia is?

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2 days later

Scarlett's P.O.V.

*Beep beep*
*Beep beep*
   I groaned as I turned off the alarm. It was Monday and today I was supposed to have soccer practice. However, given that we don't have money for the surgery, I can't go. All night I was working on ways to tell Cameron about my condition. I would tell her that I can't go to practice. She would be shocked since I have never missed any practice, game, etc. I once skipped half of my brother's graduation to compete in a game. Anyway, then I would tell her about my condition. That was the fuzzy part.
   I got out of my bed and quickly made it. Then I went to my closet and chose an outfit.
My Outfit:

   After that I picked up a brush and brushed out my hair

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   After that I picked up a brush and brushed out my hair. I decided not to put it up one, because I was too exhausted and two, I couldn't concentrate. Then I walked downstairs and ate a very quick breakfast.
   "Scarlett you doing ok?" Sawyer asked me.
   "Fine. Why?"
   "You seem out of it."
   "I didn't get a lot of sleep." I answered then went back to my room to brush my teeth and put concealer under my eyes. I grabbed my bag and followed Sawyer to the car. He started up the car and we drove to school.
   "You'll be fine. I know it will be weird not doing any sports but we will get that money." Sawyer said. I only nodded knowing I wasn't true. We wouldn't be getting that money. Sawyer was stupid, but not that stupid. I knew he was trying to make me feel better by saying that, but in reality he even knew it was a lie.
   He drove to a parking spot and we got out of the car. I looked over at the soccer field and sighed.
   "Just try not to think about it." He said and walked away. I walked up the school steps and saw Avery drawing in her notebook.
   "Oh hey Scarlett."
   "Hi." I mumbled. The only thing on my mind was the doctor appointment.
   "You ok?"
   "Not really." I said. It was useless to lie. They would find out at some point anyway.
   "What is wrong then?"
   "Don't tell anybody what I'm about to tell you." She nodded. "Do you know what arrhythmia is?" She nodded again. "Do you know what Bradycardia is?" Once again she nodded. "Well I have Bradycardia. And we don't have enough money for the surgery to fix it so while my parents are working to get the money I can't do sports or any running/exercising. However, we will never get that money."
   "Oh Scar I'm so sorry. I won't tell a soul." She hugged me but then I heard yelling. We parted and I looked over and saw the school bully- Clarissa- yelling at a girl I once had met. Her name wears Meredith and I knew she was super smart. I walked closer to hear what she was saying.
   "Look Meredith. We had a deal. You do my homework and no one is hurt. And now you broke that deal." Then Clarissa slapped her. Slapped. Then I snapped.
   "What the hell do you think your doing?!" I shouted.
   "Stay out of this Sarah!"
   "It's Scarlett. And no. You are slapping someone for no reason! And I'm guessing that your shouts can be heard from inside the school. Also, Meredith is on the good side of the teachers and if they see anyone being hurt, especially her, then the person hurting her will get in big trouble." I warned. This was true. Meredith was favored by several teachers and if someone was hurting her then they would get in serious trouble. I mean if anyone was being bullied the bully would get in big tousle but the teachers had a soft spot for Meredith.
   "Ugh! You will regret this Sierra!"
   "It's Scarlett." She grumbled something under her breath then stormed away. I smiled and walked back to Avery who was filming the whole thing.
   "That. Was. Awesome!"
   "Thanks Avery. I have just hated Clarissa for so long it was about time she got put in her place."
   "Still though. That seemed to really wake you up." I laughed at her comment.
   "Yeah you're right. Ok let's go inside." And we walked into the school.

Time Skip (Lunch)

   The bell rang and everyone cheered. We were in biology and the sub was very annoying. I smiled and put my books in my bag and walked to the cafeteria. I was lucky to have the same lunch period as all of my friends. I put my bag in my locker and then made my way to the cafeteria. I got in line and chose a salad, chips, and coke.
   "Hey girl." I heard a voice behind me. I screamed slightly in shock. Thankfully it wasn't that loud and everyone was talking.
   "Maria! Don't do that." She laughed in response.
   "You should have seen your face." She said in between breaths.
   "Ha ha ha. Hilarious." I said in a dull tone.
   "Sorry. Anyway where were you in P.E.?" She asked. I wasn't able to do P.E. because of my condition. So my mom emailed the teacher and we agreed that I would take tests and use my time as a study hall.
   "Um I will tell you when we sit down. It is a long story."
   "Ok." She looked suspicious but I just grabbed my tray of food and walked to our table where everyone else was sitting. "Ok now can you tell me why you weren't at P.E.? It is your favorite class."
   "Wait you weren't at P.E.?" Carter asked.
   "No I wasn't."
   "Why?" Reid asked me.
   "Reasons." I answer.
   "Was it because of what you told me about before school?" Avery asked.
   "Yes it was." I took a bit of my salad.
   "What did you tell her?"
   "Any of you know what arrhythmia is? Or Bradycardia?"
   "Oh that's a heart condition. Bradycardia means your heart beats at an abnormal pace. causing chest pain, fainting, dizziness, fatigue, and etc. The treatment is a surgery in which they put this pacemaker thing in your chest that makes your heart beat normally." Maria said.
   "Anyone understand what she just said?" Reid asked.
   "Yep." Avery and I said in unison.
   "But what about it?" Carter asked.
   "I have it. Maria described what the treatment/cure is but we don't have the money. So while my parents work to get the money I can't play sports or do any kind of running." I answered taking a sip of my coke.
   "So no soccer?" Cameron asked.
   "Yeah. No soccer." There was an awkward silence between us until Reid spoke up.
   "Does anyone think that we have gotten way too much homework lately?" I laughed.
   "Yeah but I'm glad. Gives me something to do."
   "Scarlett can I talk to you over there?" Cameron pointed to the bathroom. I nodded and followed her. "You aren't listening to them are you?"
   "No I'm not. I won't go to practice, but championships are coming up and there is no way I'm missing it."
   "You sure? Because I know that your parents would keep you from sports only for your help."
   "This will be dangerous but I'm doing it. Don't stop me Cameron."
   "Fine. But please be careful."
   "Championships are this weekend. I'm getting in that game even if it kills me." She nodded while biting her lip.
   "Alright. Let's go back to the others." And we walked back to the table.

Ok that is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment any grammar or spelling mistakes. Don't forget to vote as well. Bye!

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