The Results

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"Brandon... I want an ultrasound." Ashley said as calm as she could.

"Are- are you sure?" Brandon said.

Ashley nodded her head. Brandon stood there for a moment before processing everything. Brandon called the doctors. Ashley decided to wait before telling her brothers.

Brandon distracted everyone until it was done. The doctors called Brandon and Hayden in. Hayden was unsure how to react, Brandon was shocked. Hayden invited everyone over. Brandon took Ashley himself so he could talk things over with her. Ashley was happy, but shocked. She was only 15. They would need a nanny, someone to watch the kid. Brandon said they would need help getting the stuff they needed.

When they all arrived at Hayden's house Will greeted them. Then he saw the look on Ashley's face and joined them in the kitchen. James, Carl, Augustus, and Kyle all wondered what was going on. Then they saw Brandon helping Ashley in.

"I- I do not know how to tell you this." Ashley said lightly. "I- i am pregnant."

Everyone looked at Brandon. Kyle was furious.

"You got my sister pregnant!" Kyle yelled.

"Kyle calm down, Ashley just got out of the hospital." Hayden shot back.

"So, you support this!" Kyle yelled.

Hayden took a deep breath. "No. But I'll help, because I have enough money. So, are you going to yell at them or calm down!"

Kyle took a seat and shook his head. "Of course you support her. We all do. But if Brandon-"

Ashley cut him off. "If Brandon what! He respects me! More than my family! Did you help when I ran away in the 2nd grade? Did you defend me from Jack when he wouldn't let me out the house? i have no friends except Brandon!"

Everyone looked at Ashley. Ashley kept her eyes on Kyle waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry." Kyle said.

"Thank you! Now if you don't mind I'm going to sleep!" With that Ashley stormed upstairs.

Hayden looked at his brothers. "Nice job guys can't last 15 years."

"Says the 31 year old in high school." James mumbled.

"You try affording school at 16!" Hayden said. "Who wants drinks!"

Brandon went upstairs and found Ashley crying in the bathroom. Brandon comforted her until she got up and went to bed. Then, he went and got a drink. Everyone had an eventful day.

When Brandon woke up he was still downstairs. He got ready and made breakfast for everyone. he heard Ashley scream and ran upstairs. He found Jack in the room.

"Hey Jack." Brandon said.

"This isn't between us Brandon!" Jack replied. It's between me and Ashley!"

Jack reached for his pocket. Brandon tackled him.

"Hayden! Will! Someone!" Ashley called.

Hayden came running to the room and grabbed Jack.

"Listen! If you mess with them again I'll call the cops. You better hurry you have about a minute." Hayden said.

Brandon was holding on to Ashley. Ashley was crying her eyes out. All the boys came running up. Ashley noticed there was more people. She was the only girl there.

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