Goat Sin of Lust

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Leo spent the rest of the day in the woods.

She angrily practiced her swordplay and dagger techniques until her arms ached, and her wounded shoulder was pulsing with pain. When the sun's rays had begun to slant, signaling the approach of sunset, she finally stopped what she had been doing and glanced over her shoulder in the direction of the camp. She let out an irritated breath and sheathed Megil, brushing some of her hair, damp with sweat, out of her eyes.

She was sick of sitting around here. The captain had told them they'd be leaving tomorrow and would reach Camelot by sundown, but it wasn't soon enough for Leo's taste. She was impatient, and frustrated, and cooped up, and she was aching to fight someone.

She ran a hand across her face to wipe the beadlets of sweat from her skin, but stopped when her fingers crossed over the scab that covered the long scratch on her cheek. She let her fingers rest on the scratch for a moment, the furious anger she had felt earlier that morning returning to her chest, and then dropped her hand, a dagger appearing in her fingers.

With an enraged yell, she hurled the dagger into the thick trunk of a tree a few hundred feet from her. It sank up to the hilt with a dull thunk, and Leo stood there, staring at it, her chest heaving with rage, until she took a deep breath and snapped her fingers, leaving the tree's trunk untouched.

She turned and walked back toward the camp, realizing that the sun had truly begun to set now and was throwing beams of orange light across the forest. When she reached the edge of the trees, she saw that a fire had been lit outside of the Boar's Hat, and that everyone seemed to be gathered around it, enjoying their supper.

As she approached, she noticed that Gilthunder and Howser were still not back from their scouting expedition yet. She walked up to Diane and sat down beside her, leaning back against her leg as she took the plate of food offered to her from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth watched her for a moment as she took the food and silently began to eat, but must have thought better of saying anything, because she returned moments later to her own food.

Leo avoided looking at anything or anyone beside the plate of food in front of her. She knew Ban was across the fire from her, she could feel his gaze light upon her face every so often, but she didn't want to see him. She had meant what she had said that morning. He had used her own Relic against her, and that was something she couldn't forgive.

Finally, after a few moments that were filled with no other sounds than those of eating, the captain spoke up from beside Elizabeth. "Tomorrow we will reach Camelot. I expect all of you to show respect to Arthur when you meet him. He knows we are sins, and naturally callous, but he is a friend, and a king, and we are here to help him. So he deserves respect." The captain glanced around at each of them and then said, "Ban. That means you."

She heard Ban scoff from across the fire and then King said, "I'll keep him in line for you, captain."

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try, pipsqueak." She heard Ban growl under his breath and then take a swipe at King, who floated beside him.


Leo looked up at the captain, who had directed his gaze to her now. "Yes, captain?"

He motioned to her shoulder. "I know you're a sin, and that we heal incredibly faster than others, and you're also an elf, so you heal faster than most, but you've been training ridiculously hard these last few days. I need you to take it easy, just until we reach Camelot. You're easily our most gifted combat fighters, and I need you at your best for whatever comes our way. Have I made myself clear?"

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