Cousin-Zayn Malik(Edited)

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A/N: Okay so basically in this story you are Muslim and so is Zayn. In Islam, it is okay to marry your cousin. You are portrayed as a girl, so you wear a hijab(head scarf).


You came back from your 4-year college and were getting ready for a wedding that one of your closet cousin, Zainab, is having. She is 5 years older than you and she is like a sister to you so of course, you wouldn't miss it. You were also excited because you would be seeing your cousin, Zayn again. You guys are best friends and when he went to another college as you, you were really upset. He is about a year older than you, so you and him are really close. You do have a small crush on him, but you know it won't go anywhere. 

Currently, you were getting ready in your hotel room when someone knocked on your hotel room.

"Hello mama, why are you here," you said to her.

"Well your baba doesn't know how to put in pins for my hijab, so I need your help to make sure it looks good."

"Don't you already know?"

"Yes I do but I want to sure it doesn't mess up, and why aren't you ready?"

"Well I was getting ready, but I got lazy and then you came in," you told her.

"Haven't I told you to put on an alarm already and stop being lazy."

"Whatever. You have to hurry up so I can finish getting ready."

You both went in front of the mirror in the bathroom and you made sure your mom's hijab was fine. It took about 5 minutes to finish the hijab and another for her to make sure you have all of your clothes ironed. Of course, she would do this. Ever since you came back from college she would treat you like you were 10 again. After you said goodbye to her and making sure to tell you to come downstairs in 30 minutes she was gone.

You proceeded to finish getting ready in a dark blue and gold outfit, with a dark blue hijab you recently bought for this wedding. It was one of the most beautiful dresses you have worn to a wedding and you have been to a lot of weddings during your 21 years you have been alive. It was simple, but that's what made it so beautiful. You never were the one to were so colorful, and overly designed dresses to weddings. It was plain and simple for you and since you were just a guest you didn't want to go over the top. 


You finished getting ready and you texted your parents that you were going downstairs

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You finished getting ready and you texted your parents that you were going downstairs. They texted back saying they already were done and were downstairs with some of your family members that were done. 

Most of your family members, like extended family members decided to stay in the same hotel. That's how it usually was with weddings with family. It was funny though because after the wedding you and some of your cousins would stay downstairs and play a couple of games and go to sleep at 4 in the morning. 

One Direction+Zayn One Shots//Requests openedWhere stories live. Discover now