10. Challenge

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It was so strange having Timothy besides me again. I got so use to being alone but I didn't miss it though, I was glad he was with him again and this time he didn't shyly away from holding my hand down the hallway or kissing me gently on the cheek.

I blush every time and the feelings for him seemed to grow a bit more and more and I was pleased with that.

Alex didn't seem to warm up to me and since Lionel spent time more and more with me Jon stayed around. I realized Jon's birthday was coming up October 8th this Saturday and I hadn't decided what to get him.

When Jon finished eat he left and I watched not feeling sad or anything, I was eagerly waiting for Lionel and I to be alone. "What do you think I should get Jon for his birthday?" I asked him.

He seem confuse that I came to him but I assured him the only reason I did was because Jon spent more time with Lionel on the field than either Alex or me.

"Get him a girlfriend," Lionel replied jokingly.

"Come on Lionel don't be like that," I said.

"I'm serious," he replied laughing, he wasn't serious, "He's always sulky and even when girls cheer him on as he play he seem to be too distracted to care."

"Jon isn't like that, he just doesn't care about –"

"Girls?" Lionel asked, "Which guy doesn't unless..."

I felt my words stumble out of my mouth, "Jon is not gay. I would know he's my brother. He kissed a girl –"

"Gay guys kiss girls too, that's when they realized they don't like it."

"She broke his heart."

Lionel shrugged, "My first girlfriend broke my heart and look at me."

At first I didn't think of it too much it was until Timothy sat next to us when I finally understood what he meant.

Lionel just admitted to me he was homosexual. I felt a bit silly for being shocked and baffled all at once. I mean it was the twenty first centaury news like this wasn't surprise but it was.

When he notice I took in what he said he smiled and winked at me and I felt a sudden embarrassment for still being lost for words.

"What's going on?" Timothy asked.

"Oh nothing," I said waving my hand dismissively.

Timothy nodded and then grinned gesturing to what he brought with him when he arrived in the cafeteria. I realized he didn't had a tray with food, just a black thin box. "Guess what this is?" Timothy spoke.

I looked closely at it and frowned, "Timothy, I don't want to play."

"Oh come on please you're the only one who's a challenge."

"But I'm not as good as you think."

"I don't care, I want my girlfriend play with me."

The word was just so sudden, we never really talked about what our new relationship was so I never defined it, but he did and I was happy he was the first one who said it.


Alex and Luke sat down at our table, and for the first time in a week I heard Alex talk to me. Lionel and I exchange glances, of course the two of them coming to sit at the table wasn't surprising it was just that they came together.

"Where's Lisa?" Lionel asked, the same time I answered Alex's question, "Timothy and I are..."

"Together," he said smiling.

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