Chapter One

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I walked into the meeting room. It was gorgeous. Everything from the architecture to the paintings on the wall held a classy feeling to it. I couldn't believe I was finally here.

"Ma cherie, welcome," I charming blond male welcomed me just before I entered the room.

"France, I'm going to need you to excuse me, but I must take the girl with me," a slim Asian male stated from behind us.  

The tall male didn't seem to have anything else to say when the Asian gave him a bow and guided me into the large room which was already flooded with people. 

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)," I smiled. 

"I'm very aware of who you are Ms. Edeina," he commented. "We are all very excited for you to join us at the world meeting in celebration of your independence. I am Japan," he introduced himself.

His blank facial expression didn't change once, making it hard for me to believe all their excitement. 

"How could you tell I was Edeina?" I asked.

"We'll it's not often a new face comes to the meetings. Plus, Germany told the Italian and I about your arrival. He wanted one of us to snag you before one of the irritating Allies come brainwash you with their idiocracy," he explained. 

He pulled one of the chairs out for me, and I thanked him and sat. He took a seat next to me, not saying anything. It wasn't long before a cute little Italian man sat on the other side of me, excited as ever.

"Chao, bella," he eagerly smiled. "You must be our new friend."

I smiled back to him, but instantly turned to Japan for help.

"That is Italy...well north Italy. South Italy is the grumpy looking one on the other side of the table," Japan said.

I instantly shot Italy a big grin telling him how excited I was to be here. However, our conversation was cut short when the meeting began, and the large German I idolized appeared at the head of the table. 

Unprofessional Affair: Ludwig Rūtovihhi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now