Chapter Nine

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For the next two days that we were there, I offered to help Germany. However, I was tired far before he was again. I didn't know how he stayed down there so long.

"Germany?" I called.

Germany grunted in response, still very invested in his work. We sat on two separate sides of the room looking through two different piles.

"How can you stay down here so late?" I asked.

"Too much work to make up for," he simply said.

That was all the more conversation we had before I left, feeling rather tired. I went up to my room and called it a night. We had a very similar night on our last day of meetings. I stayed offering to help, and Germany gave me plenty of work. We talked little, and I was about to give up. I was tired, and my flight was early in the morning.

This is pointless.

"Germany...I think I'm going to call it an evening," I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

He nodded. "Good night."

"Yeah, I'll see you in a month..." I said more to myself than to him.

I turned to walk out, and he grabbed my wrist. "Wait, I'll walk you to your room."

I couldn't help but smile and accept.

Unprofessional Affair: Ludwig Rūtovihhi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now