"No. We didn't." But I was curious to know who he did kiss last night. A sliver of jealousy slithered through me, envious of whoever she was.

His eyes narrowed at me. "Yes, we did." He sounded desperate. Like he wanted, needed, it to be true.

I shook my head. "I don't know who you made out with but it wasn't me."

He dropped his head back against the worn leather of the seat, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I took another bit of my sandwich, slowly chewing it, forcing myself to swallow despite no longer having an appetite.

Who did he kiss? Why did he kiss her? What made him think it was me? The questions bounced around my head, worsening my unwarranted jealousy.

We weren't really together. Technically he could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. Still, I felt a little betrayed. Even if he did think he was kissing me.

"If it wasn't you," he said, breaking the silence. "Then why were we together? In bed? Didn't we..."

"No!" I said quickly. A blush crept up my neck and I tried to focus on something other than the ramming of my heart. "You were drunk and didn't want to be left alone."

I stole a glance at him. He was staring back with a pensive look. "You're sure it wasn't you?"

"Positive," I replied. "I hardly even saw you. We went our separate ways once we got there."

He settled back into the seat, rubbing his brow. It was clear getting blackout drunk wasn't sitting right with him. Maybe it was the lost memories. I wished I could've lifted the fog, filled in the blanks. I wasn't with him, though.

I should've stayed with him the first time I caught up with him, while he was only moderately drunk.

My own feelings got in the way, though. The feelings that spread across my chest whenever he was around, whenever he let his guard down to reveal the real him.

Him telling me that he wanted to be alone with me didn't help the situation at all. I debated telling him what he said, but I didn't think he could handle it. Not now.

Maybe somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he slipped up and said something he never would've said sober. Maybe I'd be doing him a favor if I kept it to myself.

* * *

After I took Nolan home I went home myself. Taylor run up to me as soon as I got through the door. She was in nothing but a diaper in covered in something sticky. Jelly from the looks of it.

Mom was picking up pieces of half chewed pancakes from the floor when I walked into the kitchen. She asked all the typical questions about the party:

Was it fun?

Did you drink?

Are you pregnant?

I didn't even humor her with a response to the last question. Once the interrogation was over I went up to my room, getting ready for a much needed shower.

My phone was completely dead, so I plugged it into the charger while I let the water warm up. I had a few unread messages. The newest was from Nolan.

You never said there was a video of my naked ass, the text read.

Sorry, I replied.

Next time we go out you get wasted and take off your clothes, he sent back. It's only fair.

I snorted, a smile taking over my face as I tapped out my reply.

You're funny

I waited for some witty response. Instead the next message he sent was only a single word.


For? I messaged back, genuinely confused.

The way I acted before the party, he sent back. Maybe if I wasn't being a dumbass I wouldn't be naked on the internet.

The apology was unexpected. I read it over a few more times, still shocked it was from Nolan.

Is it possible you're still drunk?

He replied back quickly, Yes.

I small laugh escaped my lips. Maybe he was still drunk from the night before, leaving his walls down just a little. My mind still spun at the idea that he wasn't. That he was sober and meant what he said. That his defenses were lowered, just a little bit, for me.

I was still staring down at my phone when my mom appeared in the doorway of my room, Taylor on her hip.

"Why are you sitting here with the water running?"

I sat my phone down, giving her a sheepish grin as I eased past her to get to the bathroom. "Sorry."

She huffed, walking toward Taylor's room. "Acting like you pay bills."

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