Tracing Circles

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2 days went past in the bat of an eye lid. I was so excited about tonight that I began to get ready at 1pm. I went for a long shower, and washed my long, shiny hair. After about half an hour I got out the shower and towel dried myself and but on clean, lacy underwear.

"you're insecure don't know what for" my phone began to ring from my bed, Beau. I remember the day he chose that as his caller ID ringtone. I raced over and quickly answered.

"Hey babe" he said emphasising the B.

"Hey beau" i giggled

"Are you already up?" he questioned

"Yeah, im just out the shower" i answered

"aw cool, Mum left early this morning, luke and jai are out with aaron. The house is empty and im lonely" he sped out. "Can you come round earlier" he asked seductively

"I still need to get ready and have food" i moaned.

"Just shove on a pair of sweats and i'll come pick you up and we can get some food at mines then we'll get ready" he persuaded.

"fiiiiinneeee" i grunted and hung up the phone.

I dragged on an over sized jumper and a pair of skinny jeans with red vans, and shoved my makeup bag, curlers and outfit in my bag.

"You're insecure dont know what for"

"I'm outside" Beau exclaimed

"k, i'll be down in a minute"

I done one last check on everything then locked the door and got in the car. As long as you love me by Justin Bieber was blasting through the speakers, it was so loud that the seats were vibrating. Beau only lives 3 blocks away from me so it only took about 5 minutes to get back to his. Stepping over the door, i realised how quiet it was without Luke and Jai. He made us bacon sandwhiches and then struted into the living room holding a dvd.

"Titanic" i stated rolling my eyes, he always makes me watch this shit.


We only got about half way through titanic before i had to start getting ready. I took my bag upstairs to Beau's room and started to get ready. I was up for about an hour and a half before beau came and joined me. I only had to finish curling my hair and get changed and i'd be ready. But beau being beau took the opportunity to annoy me. he sat behind my and played with the curls and made them lose their bounce.

"BEAU! Im trying to get fucking ready and you're messing up my hair" I Screamed

"Sorry babe" he said snaking his arms round my waist and holding me tight.


It was now 11pm and everyone was laughing and drinking. A lot of people had turned up there was at least 70. Me and Luke were sitting in the kitchen doing shots with 3 other girls and 2 other boys. One of the girls suggested we should do body shots and insisted on having Luke as a partner. Thats when Beau walked in the kitchen looking quite sober.

"BEAU!!" i shouted over the music, he walked over. "come do body shots" i said in his ear. He never said anything just smirked and nodded.

We were the last people to go, and he insisted on doing the shot off of me. I removed my dress to reveal my black lace underwear and lay on the cold kitchen table. Luke sprinkled a trail of salt on my torso then handed beau a lime.

"3, 2, 1 GO!!" everyone chanted, we had attracted a crowd.

Beau bit into the lime then licked up the salt as luke began to pour the vodka in my clevage. Just as he began to sook the vodka from between my boobs, it felt like the world had slowed down around us.

After another hour or so of doing shots/body shots everyone was really drunk and were starting to leave. Not long after i retired upto Beaus room, to find him lying on top of the covers in his boxers. I climbed into bed beside him and struggled to unbuckle my heels. I'm not sure of the where-abouts of my dress, i think its lying somwhere in the kitchen.

I turned on my side and went on twitter, beau joined me almost instantly and began to spoon me. His warm hands sat just above my thong, he traced circles on my bare skin which was sending shivers up my back. After a while he leaned over and kissed me passionately. Without removing his lips from mine, he slipped his hand under the waistband of my thong. I re-positioned my legs to give him more room to enter me. He slipped 2 fingers in and worked my clit with his thumb, even the thought of him inside me made me wet. Just before i reached my climax he removed his hand and lay back on the bed. I dragged down his boxers and removed my underwear and thew it to the far corner of the room. I hovered over him for a moment, bracing myself i edged down onto him...

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